UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Disciplining and Purifying Christendom (Papal Monarchy)

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HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Henry II II Magna Carta a King John Outline of Current Lecture I Papal Monarchy II The Machinery of Papal Governance a The Papal Curia III IV V Faith Sacraments and Society Papacy and Empire after the Gregorian Reform Clerical Criticism Current Lecture Disciplining and Purifying Christendom Papal Monarchy Presided over by the pope himself the Fourth Lateran Council produced a comprehensive set of canons most of them prepared by the pope s committees beforehand to reform both clergy and laity In effect it produced a code in this case for Christian society as a whole Rosenwein Short History p 239 o Fourth Lateran Council was formed in 1215 same as Magna Carta not a coincidence institutionalizing aspirations Under Innocent III a high point of the Papal Monarchy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute This refined the concept of the pope as the head of the church Through these new forms of governance the pope is able to extend his influence to all corners of Europe The Machinery of Papal Governance The Papal Curia Court is the center of church governance o Camera handles financial arrangements o Chancelory keeps track of documents and archives o Chapel presides over events o Prominence of Cardinal Bishops bishops priests and deacons that serve in various churches throughout the city of Rome have a special function of assisting the pope with religious ceremonies and increasingly with the administration governance of the Roman Church Claimed the right to elect the pope fully established by the late 11 th and early 12th centuries Cardinal legates embassadors envoys that would travel around Europe and beyond to represent the pope they have a lot of independent power They collected money o Church Councils originally bishops would gather to determine things about the church but at this point they are increasingly occurring in conjunction with strong papal leaderships o Archives The power of the written word rapid development in keeping records Faith Sacraments and Society Christian ideas are being defined with increasing sophistication and detail o Laying out guidelines of what it means to be a proper orthodox Christian in the 13th century o The language of works created through the Fourth Lateran is much more extensive and complex then previous writings Image Baptism scene Italian ms ca 1400s Definitions of the sacraments become much more detailed o Baptism every member of Christian society must be baptized at a young age The idea of Godparents begins to develop o Confirmation as an adult individuals must voluntarily recommit to their Christian faith Must be completed by a bishop Image Confirmation Scene o Extreme Unction You confess your sins on your deathbed to prepare you for death Image Extreme Unction French ms ca 1400s o Holy Orders the ritual of formally making someone into a priest New rules for who is fit to have this role are developed ex Should have a basic education be of high moral character etc o Eucharist ritual meal of wine and bread Image Eucharist French ms ca 1300 Transubstantiation the substance of the bread and wine actually changes into the flesh and blood of Christ substance changes while appearance remains the same controversial o Confession everyone must do confession a minimum of once a year o Marriage must be between two consenting individuals with a priest there to sanctify the marriage before you could be married without a priest Partially developing through canon law The institution of marriage is twofold The first was created before paradise as an office where the bed was unstained and marriages were honorable from which Adam and Eve conceived without passion gave birth without pain The second was created outside paradise after sin as a remedy to avoid illicit passions Gratian Book Four Distinction 26 Image Marriage Bologna ms 1200 Defining what it means to be an Orthodox Christian inadvertently defined what it meant to NOT be a Christian Papacy and Empire after the Gregorian Reform Ongoing conflict between the Two Powers Sacredotium Sacred Power and Regnum Power of the Kings o Defines Medieval Politics Image Church of the Four Crowns Rome o Donation of Constantine 1247 did not happen o Depicts king surrendering power to the pope Innocent IV at the time 1243 1254 Frederick II 1220 1250 Gregory IX 1227 1241 o Innocent IV summoned a council and disposed Emperor Fredrick II Highlights the fight between popes and rulers Post Script Clerical Criticism and Discontent Supplementary Source Medieval Fabliaux o All of these political shifts caused criticism in society Ex Gospel According to the Mark of Silver satire in the late 1100s Development of satirical literature View of the papal court as a center of greed and sin

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Disciplining and Purifying Christendom (Papal Monarchy)

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