CSU DM 120 - Nonwoven Fabrics (Making/types)
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Dm 120 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture Weft vs Warp yarns Jersey Knits vs Rib knits Key differences between knit and woven Outline of Current Lecture What makes a nonwoven fabric How can you tell the difference The 5 types of nonwovens Nonwoven Fabrics Current Lecture Basic Fabric Textile structure produced by bonding or interlocking of fibers in web like Fibers Bonding Agent Provides strength Auxiliary Agent To Enhance fibers First nonwoven fabric was made in the 1940 s during WW2 Vocab Disposable intended to be thrown away after use Durable Made to be used multiple times Films A thin layer of materials made from chemical solution while being placed onto hot drum Can be made to look like other fibers Water air soil resistance Uniformed in appearance and quality Manufacturing Methods Drylaid System Fiber manipulated while in a dry state a Most commonly used Wetlaid System Fibers manipulated while wet a Least used Sunlaid System Thermoplastic fibers blown onto a collection surface a Web bonded by entanglement adhesive These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Types of Non Woven Fabrics Cared Web Nonwoven forming a web of fibers then bonding fibers a Largest production b Usually made for disposable use c Random and cross laid fibers Spunlaced Nonwoven entanglement of stable fibers using high pressure jets a Soft good drape used for padding of furniture Spun Bonded Nonwoven Continued filament fibers into a web a 2nd largest production b Random orientation Used for safety gear and outerwear Melt Brown Nonwoven Filaments are reduced to small fibers that are then spun into a web a Low fiber strength low strength crease reistance b Used for filters outerwear wipes Needle Punched Nonwoven Entanglement of fibers pierced by a needle a Made from stable fibers b Used for carpets blankets lining Felt Oldest know textile interlocking of animal fibers Produced with heat water and agitation Strong Absorbs sound low strength Laminated Fabric is joined to a continues sheet of material Lightweight inexpensive Creates off the grain difficulty Can shrink or be too stiff Lace An open fabric with complex patterns Classified by technique appearance Quality based on yarn size and design Parametric Fabric Fine pieces of polymer on surface Waterproof Windproof Fiber Fill Textile not fabric Lightweight Good resiliency

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