UH KIN 3305 - Coaching in Sport and Physical Therapy Settings

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 15 Coaching in Sport and Physical Activity Settings More Than Physical Skill Development Outline of Previous Lecture I Issues and Concerns in YSP II Youth Maturation and YSP III Skill Development and Youth Involvement IV Burnout and Dropping Out V Learning Readiness and YSP VI Technoscience Approach to YSP VII Recommendations for Changing YSP VIII Contemporary Research on YSP Outline of Current Lecture I Historical Perspective II Contemporary Coaching Obligations III Coaching State of Affairs IV Conflicting Roles V Coaching Traits and Personalities VI Coaches and Personality Traits VII General Research Conclusions VIII Sport Emulation and Institutional Discrimination Current Lecture I Historical Perspective a Coaching Profession i Unlike physical education or kinesiological studies 1 Directly tied competition or competitive success 2 Competitive sports ushered in the coaching profession b Coaching Evolution i Formalized coaching evolved in England 1 Late 19th century 1870s 2 First real coaches in US employed by wealthy schools and private clubs in New England c Major Goals i Train athletes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V ii Control athletic programs Contemporary Coaching Obligations a Roles of Coaches and Physical Education i NCAA DIV IA coaches do not or rarely teach classes ii NCAA DIV IAA may be required to teach iii Smaller divisions usually have teaching obligations b Questions lead to fork in the road Coaching State of Affairs a Winning Appears To Be All Encompassing i As the rewards for success have grown so has the pressure for coaches to win 1 MiekKryzyzewski Duke 9 6 million per yr 2014 2 Nick Saban Alabama 7 million per yr 2014 3 Mark Dantonio Michigan 5 7 million per yr 2014 4 Gary Joseph Katy HS TX 118 000 per yr 2014 5 Lineweaver Euless Trinity HS TX 114 000 per yr 2012 ii Due to the role conflicts and role constraints the professional status of athletic coaches and physical educators may be quite different as well as the job responsibilities Conflicting Roles a Role a pattern of behavior associated with a person s position in a set of social relationships i Influenced by social and cultural factors and the expectations of others ii The individual in a particular role helps define the role via their perceptions characteristics and wishes of position b Role Conflict centers around incompatible job responsibilityes e g warm compassionate teacher as disciplinarian i May be philosophical e g contrasting perspectives c Role Constraints inability to perform various duties or responsibilities due to time and or perceived occupational boundaries i Time may inhibit the successful carrying out of athletic and educational goals d Role Strain job related stress resulting from overwhelming demands placed upon individuals in key positions i Coaches susceptible due multiple roles and expectations ii Burnout frequently results from role strain Coaching Traits and Personalities a Sport psychologists study personality b Sociological Perspective i Do not conduct research addressing personality issues ii If so social institutions environments and social relationships influencing the personality are studied VI VII c General Research i Little difference between personality traits of coaches and others of similar age and sex Coakley 1994 ii No more traditional authoritative conservative or combative than anyone else by nature iii Data suggest that perspectives are shaped by past experiences training coaching milieu and personal philosophy Coaches and Personality Traits a Early Research Studies i Noted differences b w male and female coaches 1 Bain 1978 found female HS coaches to be a More interested in providing general learning experiences for athletes than male coaches b More sensitive to student athletes rights to privacy and personal concerns c More involved in holistic coaching 2 Eitzen and Pratt 1989 found female HS basketball coaches tended to emphasize traditional societal ideals a Requiring athletes to maintain good grades b Displaying good sportspersonship and fair play c Avoiding obscneities and or profanity d Social etiquette and decorum emphasized b Recent Research Studies i Tend to focus on female and male athletes attitudes toward the personality traits and styles of coaches ii Boys and girls react differently to coaching styles 1 Stewart 2005 noted that female athletes were a Motivated by a cooperative caring and sharing team milieu b More intrinsically motivated by self improvement c More motivated by team success than males 2 Garcia 1994 noted that female athletes a Can be turned off by coaches who overemphasize winning b Approach competition somewhat different than males 3 Stewart 2005 noted that male athletes a More apt to break rules b More likely to embrace a win at all cost attitude General Research Conclusions a Early studies on female athletes may be due to the times Bain 1978 Eitzen Pratt 1989 i Controlled competition and life long learning ii Limited sport options and few athletic scholarships VIII IX iii Minimal post collegiate opportunities b Recent studies suggest changes in female athletes i Female athletes competing at high levels of competition may exhibit same traits and characteristics of male athletes ii Gap between female and male athletes views and attitudes toward athletic competition as diminishing iii Coaching style revenue generation and media are factors Sport Emulation and Institutional Discrimination a Sport and Manly Traits i Characteristic of masculine sporting values ii Traditionally reflects the interests and norms of males iii Masculine behaviors norms and attitudes deemed ideal b Women and Sport i Often disenfranchised like character building via sport ii Frequently exhibite ed behaviors associated with males iii Examples hyper aggressiveness playing in pain etc c Female coaches i Perceptions and behaviors persist in coaching ii Pressured to adhere to a male standard or ideal iii Frequently emulated males to be viewed favorably d Discussion i Because men have traditionally determined the quality of standards for coaching as well as persona it has often required female coaches to emulate and be men like in order to survive or receive rewards e g praise compensation stature etc e Outcome i Female coaches may be subjected to a form of institutionalized discrimination Coakley 1994

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UH KIN 3305 - Coaching in Sport and Physical Therapy Settings

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