Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Physical growth II Diet III Brain development Outline of Current Lecture II Contingency learning III Conditioning IV Deferred imitation paradigm Current Lecture Infantile amnesia cant remember what happened when you were six months old they still form memories but they just can t be remembered Contingency learning in young infants how long do memories last in infancy conditioning tech Video Conditioning baby learns to kick when there foot is tied to a hanging object mobile to make it move Memory form a memory that last for a certain period of time Used for babies who are around 1 years old Set up a box with glass front In the box is a train and there is a button in front of the box the baby can press when the baby can press the button to watch the train go around 2 months later see if baby will still press button infants a month of age to 2 years of age chart memory of child how long it lasts 1 year of age the baby s memory last about 2 months deferred imitation paradigm tricia bower demonstrate the action to an infant see if the infant can imitate the action after see how long the memory last and how long the baby can keep the memory These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute will the baby be able to imitate 2 or three weeks later chart 13 16 and 20 month old shows the percentage of kids that imitate the action they saw as the delay increases the quality of their memory decreases once kids are over a year of age it is easy to show that they have a memory of an event a full year later habituation dis habituation tech visual illusionimage with a square and 4 pac man adults see a square see if baby see the square habituate the baby slow lose interest if what they are seeing is a square then show a real square the same size during habituation and they will not dis habituate after 6 months they can see the square before 6 months they cannot see the square familiarization baby s can conclude that there is a solid rod behind the brick or two rods moving behind the brick if the baby see a solid rod during habituation when the brick disappears then they baby s that thought it was a solid rod do not dis habituate at 8 months the child thinks it is a solid rod the babies expect it to be a solid rod and if they are shown a broken rod then they are dishabituated origin of the violation of expectation paradigm 1969
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