UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Institutionalizing Aspirations

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HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I The First Crusade a Urban II b The Crusader States Outline of Current Lecture I Writs with Seals and Bulls II Kingship roles a England b France c Spain d Germany III Courts IV Crusades V Urban Life a Guilds Current Lecture Institutionalizing Aspirations Image Writ of Henry II with Seal Representation of authority less obvious power of the written word These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Document issued in the name of the king Stamped with a special seal stamp resists forgery For popes the stamp is called a bull Represents increase in writing record keeping etc around the 13th century New concept of kingship the idea of the king as a revenue collector Taxes Hire armies Operate administrations through salaried officials Particularly in England After 1066 Norman invasion emergence of strong monarchial central ruler In France the kingdom was large but the actual reach of the kings was very restricted Capetians ruled over France until late 14th Started courts record keeping effective mechanisms for royal power slowly began to radiate outward in the Kingdom of France Spain Iberian Peninsula Strong royal leadership emerged o Developed new law codes Germany and land of Italy Still had strong rulers over small portions of the Kingdom The kings were never able to have the same direct power of their land as those of England etc but still claimed an inclusive imperial form of power Image The Civil Lawyer at Work Legal Commentary ca 1400s Italy highlights the emergence of law codes and dependency on Roman law as a basis Courts were another form of authority Roman Law as a sophisticated law code helped Europe become a more sophisticated society Civil Law and Canon Law church law o Image Decretum Bologna ms 1300s Crusades revisited Crusading was one more example of the expansion of 13th century Europe and institutionalizing aspirations Crusader States ongoing efforts to protect recover Fall for good in 1291 Mobilization of armed forces on a massive scale Crusading led to settlement as merchants settled in and castles churches were built Integrated these varying regions around Germany Ex Castle in Krak des Chevaliers Syria Becomes like a business systematic raising of money etc Women or those unable to fight can even pay to fund a physically capable person and they therefore enjoy the spiritual benefits Sometimes especially in the 3rd Kings would go on the Crusades encourages the development of better systems of government that can continue to operate in the absence of the king Urban Life Image Venetian Coin Silver Denarius c 1200 Guilds basically became corporations based on trades crafts Had a legally recognized status Developed regulations for the creation sale of goods Were a major component of the vibrant economic scene of urban life Masters would take on apprentices Regulate economy collect dues enforce rules involve religious oaths Guild held social functions funerals burials feast day celebrations etc Defined people s social religious and economic identities Image Chartres Cathedral Weavers Stain glass windows in massive gothic cathedral o Paid for largely by these local guilds o Many of the windows depicted certain trades crafts

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Institutionalizing Aspirations

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