HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Writs with Seals and Bulls II Kingship roles a England b France c Spain d Germany III Courts IV Crusades V Urban Life a Guilds Outline of Current Lecture I Henry II II Magna Carta a King John Current Lecture Institutionalizing Western Government Anglo Norman England Magna Carta 1215 Doomsday Book 1087 tax record properties movable books property basically a census for before and after the Norman invasion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Is the most extensive survey of land at that time o Served for the purpose of royal taxation in England o Manifestation of royal authority King Henry II contributed to Increasing centralization and institutionalization o Legal reforms ex Formation of new jails sheriffs keep records of fugitives o Local courts persist even though the primary notion of this period was a growth of royal authority and reformation The Constitutions of Clarendon 1164 Royal law over clerical law disputes settled in royal court Image Becket 1170 English Book of Hours ca 1400 Becket murdered connected to Henry II Chartres Cathedral o Highlights conflict between growing royal power and the authority of the church King John Tramping on the aristocracy of his kingdom o Led to Magna Carta outlines rights of barons King tried to sell off widows MC forbid it 27 King took property with no will MC gives it to family and friends King seized people 52 King seized property MC returns to rightful owner o didn t do anything for peasants
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