PSYC 1100 1nd Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Generalization II Discrimination III CR vs UR IV What Gets Learned Outline of Current Lecture I Incremental Learning II Law of Effect III Operant Conditioning IV Classical Conditioning V Skinner Current Lecture I Incremental Learning trial and error II Law of Effect response is automatically strengthened when followed by reinforcement o satisfying state of affairs automatically weakened when followed by punishment o annoying state of affairs These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Operant Conditioning reinforcement depends on response emitted and voluntary a behavior is learned through Law and Effect CONSEQUENCES of behavior o delay of reinforcement weakens response IV Classical Conditioning reinforcement US comes regardless response is elicited and involuntary a signal is learned CS US CONTIGUITY V Skinner Skinner Box many responses little time and effort easily recorded
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