UW-Milwaukee KIN 350 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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KIN 350 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Sport Psychology as a Scientific Discipline Applies to Seniors Children Exercisers Elite athletes Average athletes weekend warriors Persons who are physically mentally challenged Coaches teachers fitness leaders Injured ill individuals Two Main Objectives 1 To understand how psychological factors affect an individuals physical performance a Example How does anxiety affect a basketball player s accuracy in free throw shooting 2 To understand how participation in sport and exercise affects a person s psychological development health and well being a Example Does running reduce anxiety and depression Three Roles For Practitioners 1 Teaching 2 Research 3 Consultancy How To Become A Sport And Exercise Psychologist Different types of S E Psychologist Clinical Are licensed psychologists Are trained to work with individuals with severe emotional disorders Are trained to help athletes with problems such as eating disorders and substance abuse Educational Use mental coach approach understand psychology of human movement Have training in physical education kinesiology or exercise and sport science Educate and increase athletes and coaches awareness of issues such as anxiety management and confidence development Differences in cultures Differences due to desired type Sport Psychology from a historical perspective USA practical usage Europe psych vs physical French created term of SP Era 1 The early years 1895 1920 Norman Triplett why do people seem to cycle faster when in groups or in pairs than when cycling alone Era 2 The Griffith Era 1921 1938 First person to devote a significant portion of his career to sport psychology Considered as the father of North American Sport Psychology 1921 1931 he publishes 25 research articles about sport psychology Era 3 Preparation for the future 1939 1965 Franklin Henry was largely responsible for the fields Scientific development Psychological aspects of sport and motor skill acquisition Europe during World Wars Switzerland held 1st convention Congress of SP in 1965 in Rome Era 4 Establishment of academic sport psychology 1966 1977 Moved away from being just a part of kinesiology or sport and exercise science and motor learning into own discipline Moving more towards the psychological factors and therefore applying psychological theories to sport context Applied Consultancy Bruce Ogilvie of San Jose State University was one of the first ones to start working with teams and individuals in an applied setting football Era 5 Multidisciplinary science and practice in sport and exercise psychology 1978 2000 Growth all around the world More applied work More scientific research Emphasis on development of theories and models and testing them in research Typically used quantitative research methods Number of journals dedicated to this area were established Professional organizations like APA 47th division was established 1991 AASP certifications are established BASES accreditation in UK Era 6 Contemporary sport and exercise phycology 2001 present Continues to grow around the world and now more cultural interactions and holistic view Applied practitioners are continuing to strive and stigma around sport psychologist is slowly shifting Shift from quantitative research to qualitative and more interpretative research taking place UK establishes the BPS DSEP and more systematic and certified route to become a sport and exercise psychologist Sport and exercise psychology as two distinct pathways Learning about sport and exercise participants Personality The characteristics or blend of characteristics that make a person unique Weinberg Gould 2011 Theoretical explanations Definition Approach Behavior is a function of Trait Approach Personality traits Situational Approach Environment Interactional Approach Personality traits and environment Phenomenological Individuals understanding and interpretation of one s Approach self and environment Traits Definition Who made it Graph table Example States Definition Who made it Graph table Example Motivation Definitions Types Intrinsic Definition Who made it Graph table Example Extrinsic Definition Who made it Graph table Example A motivation Definition Who made it Graph table Example Theoretical explanations Need achievement theory Definition Who made it Graph table Example Goal orientation Definition Who made it Graph table Example Perceived competence motivation Definition Who made it Graph table Example Achievement goal theory Definition Who made it Graph table Example Attribution theory Definition Who made it Graph table Example Achievement motivation Definition Who made it Graph table Example States approach Definition Who made it Graph table Example Trait approach Definition Who made it Graph table Example Interactional approach Definition Who made it Graph table Example Self confidence Definition Levels of Model factors affecting confidence Trait Definition Who made it Graph table Example State Definition Who made it Graph table Example Self efficacy Definition Who made it Graph table Example Sources Key people Arousal Stress and Anxiety Theoretical explanations of each How these concepts are interlinked Factors influencing S E Environments Communication Definition Who made it Graph table Example Types Importance of communications on all aspects of sport and exercise environments Group and team dynamics Norms role responsibilities group identity Definition Who made it Graph table Example Group cohesion Definition Who made it Graph table Example Factors affecting Types Task Definition Who made it Graph table Example Social Definition Who made it Graph table Example Theories Trait or state or interactional approach Leadership Styles Definition Who made it Graph table Example

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UW-Milwaukee KIN 350 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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