Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Visual acuity II Testing III VEP IV Habituation Outline of Current Lecture II Monocular view III Binocular view IV Yonas V Kinesthesis Current Lecture monocular view binocular view pictorial depth views only depend on one eye yonas studied infants using pictured at four months old they can tell the difference between objects that are close vs far they will reach for things close but both things that are far away present baby with two objects both within reach but one is closer than the other the baby will reach for the closer object two objects are the same distance away from the baby but one had a depth perception first study hanes window looks like one end is further away but they are both the same distance away looks like rectangle but it is a trapezoid patch one of the babies eyes so they have to use monocular vision cues relative size interposition linear perspective aerial perspective light and shade kids became sensitive at 5 to 5 and a half months picture with bumps and dips with light on the top bump light on the bottom for the shade binocular cues retinal disparity eyes are two different places in space nasal part of eye far awaytemple part of the eye close seeing 3d need two eyes infants 3 1 2 picture with two circles 3d 5 months pictorial cues These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute kinesthesis position of body sense vision is the most important kids can see perfectly well by the age of 7 or 8 months of age but they haven t had much experience moving around then they start crawling emmit in a room where someone is making noise he does not notice the walls moving to the side of him new crawler 9 months when wall starts movingshe noticesher body starts moving to maintain balance she is an advanced crawler do babies see colorbefore 1957 color studies are messed up brightness is personal older studies did not test for brightness if the baby could not see red and only brightness then they would have two blocks of color being the same because they are the same brightness by 5 or 6 months of age babies can discriminate most colors
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