ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 13 The art and architecture of ancient Greece Mythological backbone of the Ancient Aegean world Athens Sparta Dominant city states Redeveloped Greek culture Strong sense of ritual Heavy militaristic defense Focus of spreading legislative authority Democracy Perfect human form is a dominant idea Growth of human imagery Nude form Worshipping multiple Gods The Archaic Period Persian sacking the grounds of the Greeks 480 BC is the golden age of Ancient Greece Classical Kouros Marble c 600 BC Represent ideals of Greek society One of the dominant early Greek sculptures Life size figure Kouros Youth Dominant symbols of archaic imagery Fully free of the stone Engage the sculpture in 360 degrees Funerary and votive Focus on afterlife and present itself Body is suggestive overt geometric form No movement in hair some degree of permanence Left the skin color the color of the stone These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Archaic smile Psychological guidance shown throughout the figure Calf bearer Marble Acropolis Athens Greece c 560 BC Hued away breaking of the body upper torso still survives Acropolis Holy Mountain More naturalism is being depicted Rigid braids behind the hair Archaic smile psychology emotion Offering to Athena with the Calf Intensive study of the naturalistic forms Wearing a robe still exposed fusion between reality and the robe Amplifies the naturalism and idealism of the period Kroisos Marble Anavysos Greece c 530 BC Discovered in a cemetery Life size Funerary offering Dynamic movements towards naturalism Come mourn over Kroisos Soldier fought in battle Definition in the body penis legs ribs stomach Archaic smile Growth of individual psychology in face Slight wave to the hair amplify broader function Moving towards a greater sense of naturalism Peplos Kore Marble Acropolis Athens Greece c 530 BC Fully clothed Feminized version of Kouros Woman tunic on top of dress Fairly geometric More proportional eyes Archaic smile Protrusion of the breasts beneath the dress Naturalism Missing a lower left forearm found like this Votive offering funerary Breaking the 2 dimensional plane Scorching on the dress Kore Marble Acropolis Athens Greece c 520 510 BC Chiton garment to amplify she s higher up in the rankings Frontal rigidity of the face Archaic smile Originally pushed out towards us Fully engaging with the environment around her Pulling at the gown with the left hand to amplify the advancement going forward in the culture To not step on her dress
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