UW-Milwaukee ARTHIST 101 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 13 Paleolithic Era Major characteristics Unstable environment society follows food and water Instability Attempt to control the uncontrollable Control the environment and surroundings Walls covered by Art in South France sculptures Key ID s of art Bulls on top of paintings in Lascaux Cave Hall of Bulls Bull Horses and Reindeer Chinese Horse Rhinoceros Wounded man and Disemboweled Bison Spotted Horse and negative hand imprints Feline Headed Human Venus of Willendorf Bison with turned head Neolithic Era Major characteristics Dominant turnaround and growing in cultures Begin to build towns and have the idea to breed animals instead of hunt them domestication Major growth in militaristic combat Maintain resources from other tribes Key ID s of art These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Saharan Rock Painting Catal Hoyuk Landscape with Volcanic eruption Husan dog Great Stone Tower built into the Settlement wall of Jericho Human figures Stonehenge Ancient near East Era Major characteristics Egypt Nile River Mesopotamia Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Conflict between military is ancient Constant change between governments Military strength political power authority Focus on hierarchy polytheism multiple gods Trying to grow as close as possible to the Gods Greater knowledge of leftover density Cuneiform ties imagery with text Key ID s of art Uruk Vase with presentation of offerings to Inanna Standing Votive Statuettes Standard Of Ur Bull headed Lyre Sound box panel of bull headed lyre Head of an Akkadian Ruler Victory Stele of Naram Sin Ziggurat at Ur Stele with Law code of Hammurabi Reconstruction Drawing of the Citadel of Sargon II Lamassu from the Citadel of Sargon II Ashurnasirpal II Killing Lions Ishtar Gate Head of a Sasanian King Triumph of Shapur I over Valerian Ancient Egypt era Major characteristics Developed along the Nile river system Trade and commerce among these regions Focused nearly everything on society is attaining life in the after life Dual symbolism every object is important and has a dual function behind it Guiding you into the afterlife How does it represent afterlife function Kings are pharaohs Egyptian world was largely seen as a cult society Complete undecipherable from other communities Tombs are palaces Geography of the Nile runs south to North which is important North LOWER Egypt South Upper Egypt When the Nile overflows it produces rich soil Amunre was the chief of all others Every day he rises to new life to the sun and dies at night to the sunset Facing the tales of the underworld at night Eastern side of the Nile living Western side of the Nile death Cities of the dead Valley of the kings on the western side cities of the dead dominant ideas Life vs Death Papyrus Lower Egypt paper boats representation of lower Lotus Upper Egypt representation of upper When the two are intertwined they are a focus on the united kingdom of Egypt Key ID s of art Palette of King Narmer Mastaba Great Pyramids of Gizeh Egyptian Mythology AmunRa Horus Osiris Seth Anubis Reconstruction of Giza Plateau Great Pyramid of Khufu Khafre Menkaure and Queen Seated scribe Egyptian canon of proportions Ti watching a Hippopotamus Hunt Egyptian Mummification coffin Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut Hatshepsut with Offering Jars Mummy of Ramses II Temple of Ramses II Interior of the Temple of Ramses II The Great Temple of Amen Re Avenue of Sphinxes The Hypostyle Hall David Roberts Fowling Scene from the tomb of Nebamun Akhenaton and the Amarna Revolution Akhenaton Thutmose Nefertiti Akhenaton Nefertiti and Three daughters Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamen Death mask of Tutankhamen Last Judgment of Hu Nefer Ancient Aegean Era Major characteristics Minoan Ritual and Recreation Heavenly defense structures Idea of written language Linear A and Linear B Largely living off of the island named Crete Seafarers and traders Economic expansion Key ID s of art Aerial view of the palace of Knossos Reconstruction of the Palace of Knossos Stairwell in the residential quarter of the palace of Knossos Bull leaping Sarcophagus Harvester Vase Snake Goddess Mycenaean Era Major characteristics Warring people that rowed up in city states Highly strategic and defensive militaristic Form the backbone of Homer s writings Intensive sense of control ruler ship Heinrich Schliemann largely responsible for the Mycenaean architectures Sophia Schliemann Heinrich s 2nd cousin turned into 2nd wife Heinrich is held responsible for the findings of the city Troy Key ID s of art Aerial view of the Citadel of Tiryns Corbelled Gallery in the Walls of the Citadel Lion Gate Treasury of Atreus Vault of the Tholos of the Treasury of Atreus Funerary Mask Warrior vase

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