KU PHIL 180 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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PHIL 180 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide 4 questions answer 3 Each is worth 33 of the grade Will cover all the topics we have discussed so far in class Recommend office hours HOBBES Why should there be a government State of Nature Why does Hobbes talk about it What is it o Explain EQUALITY SCARCITY and UNCERTAINTY in the State of Nature o Right to Self Preservation and to All Things in the State of Nature o How does Hobbes justify political authority o What is the Leviathan o Why is Hobbes called a Contractualist author LOCKE Why should there be a government State of Nature Why does Locke talk about it What is it Explain the inconveniences that Locke thinks people would face in the SN What are the three most important things that a government is supposed to protect Differences between Hobbes and Locke Utilitarianism What is a correct action according to utilitarianism Impartiality and Happiness according to Utilitarianism Examples in life and politics of morally correct incorrect actions Rawls Problems of Utilitarianism according to Rawls Examples First and Second Principle of Justice in Rawls Fair Equality of Opportunity in Rawls Idea of Natural Talents Original Position Veil of Ignorance Communitarianism Self Determination Paternalism and Neutrality in Communitarianism and Liberalism Discuss examples These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Libertarianism What is Libertarianism Three principles of justice for a just society according to Nozick Explain each of them Use the example of Chamberlain to compare Rawls and Nozick

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KU PHIL 180 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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