KU PHIL 180 - Lock
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Phil180 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Current Lecture I Libertarianism II Nozick s entitlement theory Outline of Current Lecture I Principle of acquisition II Lock s proof steps III Why we have the right to the natural stuf IV Nozick s objection to Lock s Current Lecture Note I II Principle of acquisition A Property is not evenly distributed in the society B Weal people have more rights to the property C Why they entitled to have the property D Develop how it is possible eligible to the access to the objects E Why it make us entitled Lock s prove A Mankind is to be preserved as much as possible B If no one could take anything we would all die so we must be permitted to take we need in order to survive C However our appropriation from nature must be constrained by two conditions 1 We must not take more than we can make use of These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV 2 We must leave enough and as good to others Why we have the right to entitle to the nature stuf A You own your labor B When you mix your labor with nature you also get to own the object that you mix labor with Nozick s objection to Lock People can take as much as they can if it did not make others worse of This based on the theory everyone own nature in common

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KU PHIL 180 - Lock

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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