HIST107 1nd Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Church Reform Movement a Pope Leo IX b Pope Gregory VII Outline of Current Lecture I The First Crusade a Urban II b The Crusader States Current Lecture The Crusades Jerusalem had ben under Islamic control for over 500 years Primary Source o Pope Urban II delivers a sermon to discuss the need for Christians to stop using military force to hurt those around them and to use their force to liberate other Christians and the holy places such as Jerusalem that are being held by nonChristian peoples Christian pilgrimage tradition plays an important role in medieval Christianity o Voluntary travel for Christian devotion penitence etc Ex Religious travel to Jerusalem Image basic map which depicts Jerusalem as the center of the world Peace and Truce of God an attempt in the 10th and early 11th centuries to limit violence within medieval Christian society o Early example of church reform Seljuk Turks semi nomadic group of Muslims invaded portions of what we now call the middle east o Battle of Manzikert 1071 Byzantine armies get drastically defeated by Seljuk army These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Causes general sense of panic that the Byzantine empire could fall The Pope o Idea that Pope has a meaningful dominance in the Roman Church o Investiture Conflict Renewed debate over religious and secular power o Sermon at Clermont 1095 proposing idea for the First Crusade to free Jerusalem o Gregory VII 1074 Letter to the Faithful Written in response to the battle of Manzikert to encourage people to undertake the difficult task of bearing aid to your brethren nothing comes of this because Gregory VII gets tied up in his conflict with Henry IV Gregory is one of the most prominent first Pope s with reformist and crusade ideas Pope s are stepping in a legitimating and supporting the act of secular princes in conquering Muslim territory putting their stamp on crusade efforts o There was a bedrock idea in Christian political theory is that there should be at least a slight separation between secular and religious powers two divided distinct roles Sometimes Emperors style themselves as religious leaders doing the work of God When Urban gives his Sermon he is almost acting through a sort of imperial power Ie The lines are blurred o Urban II was still involved in the investiture conflict with Henry IV during the organization of the First Crusade Traveled to Cluny Traveled to Clermont famous sermon Fulcher of Chartres Let those who have been accustomed to wage unjust private warfare against the faithful now fight in a proper way against the barbarians For your brethren who live in the East are in urgent need of your help and you must hasten to give them the aide which has often been promised them All who die by the way whether by land or sea or in battle against the pagans shall have immediate remission of sins This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested The goal of the Crusade comes to revolve around the freeing of Jerusalem stop fighting your fellow Christians free Christians in the East and enjoy religious rewards o One claim by scholars was that those who went of the Crusades were attempting to come home with wealth and land Opposed by other historians because many Crusaders were wealthy or came home with no wealth and many of them went home broke rather than attempting to attain parcels of land after the Crusade It is possible that many of these Crusaders actually went to exercise spiritual devotion through militaristic conflict Through the crusade the crusaders bore the image of the cross o These was a cluster of overlapping armies led by groups of nobles to move through cities o Eventually the armies attacked and gained control of Jerusalem At this time the Islamic World was extremely fragmented and had no coordinated opposition with which to resist the Crusaders o Three Images one depicting the slaughter at Antioch one depicting Jewish slaughter in Germany o Supplementary Source German account of crusaders moving through Germany commonly slaughtered Jewish communities along the way o In the Crusades there was also violence between Christians o As a result of the Crusades there was a new perception of the relationship between faith and violence Foundation of the Crusader States o Shows that there was a factor of territorial and materialistic motivation behind the Crusade o Principalities embraced a lot of the feudalistic system o This connects Christians in Europe the holy land in a new way o These states were constantly being threatened Edessa falls leading to the Second Crusade Jerusalem in taken Third Crusade There were a lot of the crusades o Shifts in political structure Special protections for crusaders judicially and politically Crusading starts to occupy a very important place especially financially with a great deal of fundraising and taxation to supply funds for the crusaders o In the 13th century women were able to fund a soldier in battle and therefore enjoyed the spiritual benefits as if they were in the crusade themselves
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