UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - BMI

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Puberty II Developmental programming III Darwin Outline of Current Lecture I Weight BMI II Breast Milk III Obesity IV Locomotion V Brain development Current Lecture underweight is less than 5 5 pounds paper about BM and weight gain african babies are underweight women only gain 7 kilos parasites can have an affect breast milk is a good source of nutrients has fatty acids in it at 10 months of age children with enriched formulas are better problem solvers cant find a long term effect visual development tested infants visual acuity and they were fed enriched formula at different levels children with more enrichment had sharper acuity obesity in infancy charts as kids get older obesity increases percent obesity is higher in low income motor develop chart range of ages babies can do things EXAMPLE WALKING CRAWLING STANDING cultural influences on motor development on set of other abilities jocampos wrote an article locomotion before start walking you are stuck were you are put These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute crawling and walking may change perception of depth test child s depth perception without putting the child in danger test babies that are over a year never crawl over the edge babies under a year are known to crawl over the edge divided babies the same age into two groups half were pre crawler other half have been crawling he found that the babies with crawling experience wouldn t crawl over but babies who have never crawled crawled over the edge crawling gives the babies appreciation of depth affects emotional and social development of the infant if they can crawl twice as likely to get angry show more affection engages in interactive play increased sensitivity of the baby to the caregiving when they leave the room brain development orphan raised in big room with a bunch of kids no social interaction sensitive periods from birth to old age charts time when you need certain stimulation for brain to develop properly first thing that has to happen is that cells need to cell proliferation first half of prego when cell proliferation happens then neural migration differentiation neurons developing the characteristics to function in your brain example being affected by a corotagen is a sensitive period vision and hearing language normal language input by 3 5 then you can not develop language fully higher cognitive function front part of the brain develops last planning normal cognitive stimulation early child and if you dont have then you cant really plan brain development over 10 billion neurons in brain wired special way brain starts as a flat disc neuralation forms ventricular system bulge around neural tube bulge become front part of brain neurons born moves from region of neural tube to the brain form layer structures and nuclei make connections around the time of birth

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