Wednesday September 18 Chapter 6 Behaviorism only observe behavior Learning any relatively durable change in behavior knowledge from experience Classical vs Operant Conditioning o Conditioning learning associations between environmental stimuli and the organism s responses o Classical consists of reflexive responses Ex dentist drill sound the person gets scared and has a reflex o Operant Conditioning voluntary response Ex you work and get a pay check a rat in a maze Classical Conditioning learning in which a stimulus requires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus o S R Stimuli Response o Pavlov s dogs noticed that when a bell would sound dogs would prematurely start or salivate even when the food was not presented to the dog yet Bell neutral Food unconditioned stimulus dog salivating unconditioned response Bell becomes conditioned stimulus and salivating becomes conditioned response o Principles of Classical Conditioning 1 Acquisition initial stage of learning something a Done through stimulus contiguity have to occur together in time and space 2 Extinction gradual weakening and eventual disappearing of the conditioned response tendency ring bell without food enough times and dog will no longer salivate 3 Spontaneous Recovery reappearance of the distinguished response after non exposure 4 Stimulus generalization after learning a specific stimulus response responds in the same way to a new stimuli ring tuning fork and the dog salivates different tones elicit same salivating conditioned response 5 Stimulus discrimination after you learn a specific stimulus response the organism does not respond in the same way dog can tell difference between bell and tuning fork 6 Higher Order Conditioning a stimulus that was previously neutral e g a light is paired with a conditioned stimulus e g a tone that has been conditioning with food to produce salivating to produce the same conditioned response as the conditioned stimulus Does this work in real life o Advertisers celebs help advertise a product and you salivate because they re pretty car with celebrity see car and associate it with fame so it appeals more to you Operant Conditioning o Positive Negative Reward Punishment o Primary Secondary Reward Punishment Regression to the Mean Don t need to know Table 5 2 5 3 mechanisms of drug action 217 218
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