ANTH 1000 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide ANTH 1000 Study Guide Exam 1 For maximum effectiveness I would recommend becoming familiar with the entire study guide However pay special attention to the bolded and highlighted words as these are key vocabulary and conceptual ideas and will most likely be included on the exam Covers lectures What is Anthropology Culture Anth Method and Theory Language Ethnicity and Race Gender Also covers Topic 1 What Is Anthropology A There are four fields of Anthropology 1 Cultural Anthropology The study of human society and culture a Ethnography An account of one specific culture An Anthropologist lives in a place for at least a year and then writes an account of the experience b Ethnology Comparing two cultures Why similarities and differences exist c Applied Anthropology Using cultural Anthropology to address issues 2 Archaeology Reconstructs describes and interprets human behavior and cultural patterns through material remains a Artifacts Materials that have been modified by humans b Ecofacts Plants and other natural clues c Archaeologists use excavation d Tucson Garbage Project Researchers visited difference neighborhoods and asked how much beer each household drank in a week 85 of people surveyed said 0 cans and the remainder said less than 8 cans Archaeologists rummaged through the trash of these households and found that only 20 of people had 0 cans and about 55 had greater than 8 cans e Battle of Kadesh Egyptians vs Hittites The Hittites won the battle but regardless both sides left extremely embellished and partially untrue accounts of what actually happened 3 Biological Anthropology Physical Study human biological diversity in time and space a Many examine fossilized hominid bones while others study modern primates b Study human growth and adaptation are often involved in forensics and can help solve crimes 4 Linguistic Anthropology Studies language in its cultural and social context across time and space a Social and linguistic variation b Different speakers of different languages use and manipulate that language For example The Inuit have many different words for snow B Anthropology The study of humans wherever and whenever they lived 1 Holism the study of the whole C Culture traditions and customs transmitted through learning 1 Produces a degree of consistency 2 Enculturation D Adaptation The process by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses 1 Culture is key to a human s ability to adapt a For example When we came to college we adapted by drinking coffee to stay awake E Anthropology as a science Science of human similarities and differences 1 Strong links to both natural sciences and humanities 2 Goal is to test a hypothesis 3 Theory set of ideas formulated by reasoning from known facts to explain something II Topic 2 Culture A Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge belief arts morals law custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society 1 Learned and Shared not related to biology B Advent of Human Culture How did we evolve behavioral modernity capacity for intelligence There are two views 1 Traditionalist Believe that it happened 45 000 years ago after humans moved to Europe as a result of a possible genetic mutation that flipped the switch in human brains to allow for language a Point to cave paintings as evidence of language abilities b This was really just a justification for colonialism c There is a major research bias as all the research was done by Europeans 2 Modern AKA the Gradual Accumulation of Traits There was already a long history of stone and bone tools self ornamentation and abstract carvings a Most physical anthropologists believe in this now b Evidence in Africa points towards early behavioral modernity development They have found cultural artifacts c Capacity for tools culture is what might have given them the capacity to migrate to Europe in the first place d Gradual Accumulation of Traits in Europe C Argue that an increase in population resulted in an increase in social competition Once in Europe social competition culturally modern behavior Possibly what drove Neanderthals to extinction because it gave hams an evolutionary advantage over them This is just a hypothesis How do we acquire cultural traits 1 Enculturation Process by which a child learns his her culture a Social interactions from infancy on b Examples of those who you learn culture from parents teachers siblings friends tv etc c Social Learning We learn by watching other people do things rather than having to experience it ourselves unique to humans D Culture is LEARNED can be characterized as sets of control mechanisms plans recipes rules instructions and programs for governing behavior 1 Internalize a set of beliefs meanings and cultural rules 2 Learning is both conscious and unconscious Observations learning taught behavior a Observational learning pay attention to those around you and adjust behavior accordingly E Culture is SHARED Culture is not an attribute of individuals per se but of individuals as members of group 1 A Shared culture links people due to common experiences 2 Culture is constantly changing and evolving F Culture is SYMBOLIC 1 Symbols Signs that have no necessary or natural connection to the things that they signify a Both verbal and nonverbal b Association between symbol and what it symbolizes is arbitrary c Many are linguistic symbols d Symbols only have meaning because we have collectively bestowed meaning upon them e EXAMPLES flags holy water logos the UConn Husky G Culture is INTEGRATED Cultures are integrated patterned systems 1 If one part of the system changes the whole system is affected a When one facet of culture changes others are impacted 2 For example When more women go to college it changes the relationship between men and women changes the age for child bearing divorce becomes easier because women are economically independent Core Values Set of Central characteristics that integrate each culture a In the USA examples are we have a persistent class system the desire to be successful the idea of the self made success story individualism capitalist mode of production strong work ethic H Culture and the Individual An individual simultaneously creates and maintains culture while also being constrained by it 1 Culture is contested different groups within a society struggle over whose ideas values goals beliefs etc should prevail a Example gay marriage
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