UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Alcohol

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I TEST TWO Outline of Current Lecture I Alcohol a Defects b Preventable II Childs growth a Stages of puberty Current Lecture alcohol and fetus didn t realize it was a problem until 1973 doctors jus t noticed that all babies with the s ame defects were from mothers who were drinkers fetal alcohol s pectrum dis orders fetal alcohol s yndrome cranial facial abnormalities intellectual impairs and birth effects like growth defects alcohol related neurodevelopment dis order don t have cranial facial features but have s erve phys iological and behavior problems alcohol related birth defects have no ps ych or intercellular problems PREVENTABLE cranial facial problems alcohol int the firs t trimes ter when neural tube is forming eyes narrow s mooth philtrum thin upper lip Phys ical growth brain development motor development girls growth firs t by a year or two girls finis h 14 or 15 boys 17 or 18 cephalo caudal head grows before the tail grows infant 20 length of child head proximo dis tal growth things clos er to trunk develop before things far away develop arms and legs and then the hands and the fingers growing the fas tes t when you are a baby not during puberty s altatory conductionjump from place to place down the nerve s altatory growth s hown in infantry meas ure the baby every day and he would grow a centimeter and a half each time he grows the bumps and growth were Thes e notes repres ent a detailed interpretation of the profes s or s lecture GradeBuddy is bes t us ed as a s upplement to your own notes not as a s ubs titute occurring when they were s leeping a lot s kull is not s olid as the brain increas es the s kull increas es new areas of bone will be added between the connective tis s ue between the bones know the end of s keletal growth if there is no growth plate break or fracture in growth plate can s tunt your growth girls development of ovaries boys development of tes ties growth chart big chart tanner developed s tages of puberty s tages 1 5 des cribes what happens important for medical people for teenagers

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