UIUC NEUR 414 - Outline of the Cerebellum

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NEUR 414 1st Edition Lecture 7 Brain Imaging Water Maze probe trail remove platform and look to see if animal swims to where it was both quadrant and annulus are done during a probe trail adv well characterized dis extremely stressful stress hinders memory Fear Conditioning put animal in environment and either look around or listen to sound and then give it a shock put it in different box and see if its scared of evniro or scared when cue is done cued tone is played at Cued conditioning cued fear conditioning sound is played while you get foot shock DO NOT NEED HIPPOCAMPUS both at the same time CS tone from auditory cortex and thalamus info is sent to the amygdala as same time CS info is coming in US shock somatosenosry cortex and thalamus send info to amygdala conversing of both pathways in amygdala outputs to generate proper motor behavior freezing amygdala sees this information again and knows to freeze fear has been generated delay of conditioning paradime Context put animal in environment and then give it a food shock does it remember enviro being related to shock only talk about CS pathway speaker is wrong sensory input looking at room goes to thalamus information can go to neocortex to hippocampus lateral nucleus or CEc lateral nucleus and CEc in amygdala what pathway does brain use both depends on situation lesion train animal on this fear conditioning and then lesion brain hippocampus don t show any freezing neocortex don t show any freezing now lesion before training cut out either one and animals learn just fine These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute tells us theres two different pathways one is dominant and the other is not wants to use neocortex to hippo if it can but if those two regions are lesioned it can use the other pathway in the absence of hippo adv learning occurs at a specific time 1 time learning dis 1 time learning don t have acquisition curve can t look at whats happening during the learning process Eyeblink Conditioning associating some stimuli that causes you to blink pathway depends on if hippo dependent or not trace first CS then US trace hippocampal dependent and need neocortex delay DON T NEED IT can can cerebellum regulate delay conditioning dependent on this and brain stem Cerebellar Output cell bodies in purkinje cell layer and dendrites axons reach out to other layers dendrites fan like Cerebellar Input bluish looking in pic come into molecular layer and wrap themselves in dendrites and making multiple synaptic connections strong input on a few purkinje cells not going to have small area activation but strong Cerebellar Anatomy thinking of purkinje cells have fan like dendrites these are going straight across through all of them making few synaptic contacts but with a ton of them CS information comes in via mossy fibers activating granule cells and then activating parallel fibers US comes in via climbing fibers activated and then have strong input on purkinje cells that generate a motor output both CS and US come in at the exact same time as result have activation of the exact same symaptic contacts and purkinje cells and can get modification of the purkinje cells when you activate a single mossy fiber you activate a single granule cell may be enough to activate a purkinje cell not a parallel fiber

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UIUC NEUR 414 - Outline of the Cerebellum

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