UIUC NEUR 414 - Brain Imaging

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NEUR 414 1st Edition Lecture 6 Brain Imaging CT adv non invasive easy to do dis no function PET inject tracer ex radioactive glucose cells take up the glucose radioactive redish areas know what areas the patient is using a little invasive getting okay spatial resolution not the best very bad temporal resolution time frame resolution MRI get structure not function Hydrogen atoms add radio frequency pulse unmatched atoms spin to proper way then turns off and flip other way MRI converts signal to image non invasive fMRI used a lot instead of looking at atoms looks at bold signal hemoglobin binds oxygen molecules whatever parts of the body need oxygen hemoglobin releases it from blood the change of having oxygen to being deoxygenated is what an fMRI picks up limitations not looking at normal activity looking at usage of oxygen in that area getting an increased bold single only means theres an increased activation could be leading to excitation and inhibition good spatial resolution good temporal resolution not great b c relying on neurons needed that oxygen measuring indirect effect to look at if neurons are active EEG actually measuring synchronized neural activity recording form cortex b c its closest to skull These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute not able to record things farther in like hippocampus activity limitation going to see who ever has the most activity and if its synchronized not going to be able to see other neurons out what are you measuring neural activity very good temporal resolution disadv poor spatial resolution may neurons for one electrode small changes could get lost in the noise advant non invasive Intracellular comes in and stimulates schaffer collateral and then records in CA1 looks at both intra and extra recordings extracellular measuring fieldEPSPs eEPSP after volley you re looking at the change in ion flow via axon potential goes into neuron record ions moving into cell via extracellular area where you are is become not as positive negative goes down b c of this measuring pos ions moving away from you can measure amount and speed of the depolarizing determines how much of that positive ion that is being pulled away can get a look at how many neurons were depolarized big thing to look at is the slope length of slope is indication of how close you are to the cell the closer you are the longer the line slope line is ind of where you are in relation to the neuron now if this was intracellular it flips now slope goes up

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UIUC NEUR 414 - Brain Imaging

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