CONCEPTS IN BIOLOGY BIOL 1103L PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE Biology 1103L is a one credit hour course which provides a hands on exploration of topics relating to general principles of Biology This laboratory course is specifically designed for the non science student An effort has been made to design labs that are directly applicable to daily life The corresponding lecture course BIOL 1103 is a pre requisite or a co requisite for BIOL 1103L The course syllabus is a general plan for the course deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary BIOL 1103L a Writing Intensive Lab Course uses an inquiry based approach in its curriculum It features cooperative learning and combines the writing process and the scientific process to promote critical thinking skills Students have the opportunity to design and test their own experiments within a general framework and with guidance from their GLA The Writing Intensive aspect of this course closely follows the guidelines established by The University of Georgia s Writing Intensive Program WIP Our goal in following these guidelines is to help you become better writers in your own non science academic fields since writing and thinking are parallel cognitive learning processes Writing engages individuals in the information being studied and therefore results in better retention of this subject material Upon completion of this laboratory course students will gain an understanding of biological macromolecules bacterial drug resistance water quality assessment molecular genetics and patterns of inheritance There are several written pre lab assignments that serve as an orientation to the laboratory topic for the week Some of the labs involve written homework that is an extension and application of the material covered in the lab exercise The course syllabus is a general plan for the course deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary GRADUATE LABORATORY ASSISTANT GLA INSTRUCTORS GLA names specific teaching assignments and email addresses will be posted outside of room 403A and on the 1103L eLC page www elc uga edu Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to discuss course material directly with their GLA during office hours LAB PROGRAM COORDINATOR Dr Kristen Miller Office Room 402 Biological Sciences Building Office Hours By appointment email using UGA email or call Phone 706 542 1681 E Mail krmiller uga edu BIOSCIENCE LEARNING CENTER The Bioscience Learning Center BLC is located in room 406 of the Biological Sciences Building This facility houses computers both MAC and PC for use by students enrolled in courses at UGA All BLC computers are Internet connected The BLC charges a small fee for printing 6 per page and photocopying 11 per page and only accepts Bulldog Bucks for payment Desk copies of the lab manual corresponding lecture course text and photo atlases are on reserve in the BLC for student use BLC hours are from 8 30 AM 7 00 PM Monday through Thursday 8 30 AM 5 00 PM Friday The BLC is closed on weekends MATERIALS FOR LAB CLASSES You may purchase your 1103 Lab Manual Concepts in Biology Laboratory Manual from the University Bookstore Beat the Bookstore or Off Campus Bookstore DRESS CODE Your legs must be completely covered long pants or long skirt Your feet must be completely covered no open toed or open heeled shoes Failure to comply with dress code will result in dismissal from lab and will be marked as an excused absence You will be given one week to complete a make up assignment If the work is not completed in that time you will have 20 points deducted from your total points for lab ATTENDANCE TARDINESS Students who miss four labs at any point in the semester any combination of excused or unexcused absences will receive an F in the course Attendance is required for this class Missing even one class means that you have missed a significant portion of the course DO NOT schedule any other appointments or activities during the time that you are scheduled to be in lab Missing labs with a valid excuse A valid excuse is one that is written verifiable and covers the date and time of your scheduled lab class Oversleeping and job conflicts do not constitute acceptable excuses Missing a lab with a valid excuse allows you to make up the lab provided that you contact your lab instructor within 48 hours of the absence If you know in advance that you will miss a lab with a valid excuse contact your GLA before the lab for reassignment to another lab period Make up assignments are due within one week of the missed lab and may include any or all of the following completing the lab with a different section submitting all homework quizzes or any other assignment associated with the missed lab or completing an alternate assignment designated by the GLA or course instructor Students who fail to complete the makeup work within one week will not receive credit for the lab exercise You are responsible for all material and data presented and gathered in lab Please note that any missed lab for a valid excuse will still be marked as an excused absence even if you make up the lab in another lab section Missing labs without a valid excuse For each lab that is missed without a valid excuse students will automatically receive a minimum of a 20 point deduction from the lab point total even if a lab is worth fewer points If a lab is worth more than 20 points then the full point total for that day will be deducted this includes the standard 20 point deduction Tardiness and leaving lab early without permission are not tolerated in lab If you arrive for lab more than 15 minutes late you will be marked as absent with a valid excuse you will be allowed to stay and complete the lab for that day and turn in work due that day If you leave early without permission you will be marked as absent without a valid excuse for that class even if you have completed all work for that day and will receive the standard 20 point deduction for a lab missed without a valid excuse Assignments are due in class on the days indicated on your syllabus or by your instructor Each day that an assignment is late you will lose 10 of the assignment s total point value Exception for all pre lab assignments work not completed by the stated due date will not be given any credit Students who have missed four or more labs due to extenuating circumstances with valid documentation and wish to avoid a failing grade should withdraw
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