UNT JOUR 2000 - MediaResearch(1)

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Media The Sharknado of PR Publics PR Media Media is the most important intervening public Many jobs in PR deal with media and press relations Mediation Important concept for PR Mediation is Relaying information secondhand Communicating to a mass audience Relationship of sender and receiver is distant detached impersonal Pervasive Mediation Media is some times thought of as Window on events extending our vision with little interference really Mirror of society world reflection of events Some distortion we don t see everything or what we want to see Filter gatekeeper selecting what is important to see and closing off other views voices Maybe deliberately or not Mediation Media as Interpreter making sense of our world Forum Platform Present ideas get feedback Disseminator Passes on information or Decides not to pass it on Interlocutor Partner in conversation somewhat interactive Media PR Using the media is a powerful tool but it s helpful to understand how the media impacts attitudes and behaviors Media Effects is the study of media impact on individuals Models Limited Effects Model Selective Exposure Selective Perception Selective Retention Tend to watch things that reinforce values see what we want to see and retain what we want to retain Media PR Through media can we inspire action and emotional responses Media Effects Theories Social Learning Theory Bandura 1960 s Bobo Doll experiment Watching violence can inspire violence Effect of media violence is still controversial http www youtube com watch v hHHdovKHDNU Media PR Through media can we get people to talk about what we want them to talk about Media PR Agenda Setting Theory McCombs Shaw 1968 Looked at media influence on importance of political issues Media don t tell us what to think but are good at telling what to think about Media government publics have competing agendas What s important right now Really Sensational Stupid Stuff that s never at the top of the agenda Media PR Through media can we change people s minds about culture and society Media PR Cultivation Theory Gerbner 1970 s Mean world syndrome Media cultivate social attitudes over extended period of time Cultivated Image of Family Cultivated Image of Russia PR Override of Cultivated Image does it work Media PR Through media can you can trigger a response in people Media Effects Theories Media Priming Short term media effect Media can use keywords to prime response from the audience The primes tend to decay over time http www huffingtonpost ca 2014 02 07 opening ceremony photos hi ghlights olympics creepy n 474800 3 html Sochi Winter Olympic Opening Ceremony What does this prime What over 30 thinks What does this prime What under 30 thinks Media PR Through media can you put your spin on an event or issue Media PR Framing Theory By framing stories drawing attention to some points and not mentioning other points media can influence how people view the world Uses schema and symbols Ex Katrina Unsympathetic Frame Sympathetic Frame Media Effects Theories Framing in PR Advertising Framing as controlling the narrative Define the parameters of public discourse Intentional vs unintentional attempts to frame media and public discourse

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UNT JOUR 2000 - MediaResearch(1)

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