UNT JOUR 2000 - PR Overview(1)

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Public Relations Public Relations What are your public relations goals What are you trying to accomplish Public Relations PR is a comprehensive strategy to shape public perception control media narratives frames and persuade for a particular view point PR is one component of a strategic campaign that also includes advertising and marketing PR can also be a stand alone strategy M A PR PR vs Ads Whereas advertising and marketing are concerned with brand branding logos slogans and product sales PR is concerned with an ever evolving complex and malleable image of a person or organization PR tends to be more nimble and flexible than advertising PR vs Ads Example Lululemon PR http www colbertnation com the colbert reportvideos 430608 november 1 8 2013 alpha dog of theweek chipwilson http www huffingtonpo st com 2014 01 14 lulul emon 2013 turnaround n 4598329 html Marketing PR vs Ads PR often uses the media infrastructure to disseminate complex messages PR can also be used to communicate with employees shareholders other members of an interest group organization PR often incorporates and reflects current issues in culture and society PR vs Ads While advertisers are interested in directly speaking to the public by paying for ad space PR is interested in filtering information through the media PR Agenda Through PR you are trying to Set the agenda What are people talking about Define the conversation How do we talk about things What is included Ex What are the summer blockbuster films Filter your product company into popular culture Create buzz about your product Address multiple publics at once PR in Context PR in Context Different types of organizations and people use PR for different reasons PR in Context Corporations use PR to drive up interest in a product the ultimate goal is more sales Corporations will release media packets with ready made copy and images of their product Corporations can use spokespeople and media events to garner media coverage Target journalist who specialize in their product They ultimately are targeting the general public PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context Corporations use PR to build credibility and goodwill with the public these things directly impact customer loyalty brand identity public policy and ultimately sales They may not be selling a particular product they may just be selling an image Building up goodwill can help a company in times of crisis or during poor sales quarters PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context Non profit organizations which often don t have big advertising budgets can use PR to communicate their organization message Non profits will often use the credibility of press coverage to further their agenda and raise money NGO s political organizations and protest groups can garner contributions and notoriety from media coverage Start up companies and entrepreneurs also use PR for the purpose of notoriety leading to more investment in the company Many lobbyist are from non profit groups PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context Political PR is concerned with 1 public information and 2 public persuasion We often see public persuasion in the form of campaigns rallies protests and press availabilities to set the agenda and garner support We often see public information in the form of official statements Sometimes these two things look very similar PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context PR in Context Careers in PR Careers in PR Public Relations professionals manage and maintain relationships with the publics important to the organization Careers in PR Job Types Public Relations managers Public Relations technicians Hours pay and working conditions vary from organization to organization PR professionals are called upon to use many different types of job skills human relations creative financial organizational Have to be flexible good at many different things Careers in PR PR Agencies Firms Account Managers Research Art Writing PR Consultants Account Managers Research Art Writing Specialty Firms Consultants Government relations Lobbying Political Publicists Careers in PR Corporate PR Employee relations Media relations Government relations Lobbying Community relations Business to business relations Consumer relations Investor relations Careers in PR Non profit PR Media relations Donor relations fundraising Government relations Lobbying Community relations Trade Association PR Government relations Lobbying Media Relations B2B Community relations Careers in PR Government Public information officer Public affairs officer Political Press Secretary Research Director Communication Director PR Strategy PR Strategy Research learn about organization publics SWOT Planning strategy of problem solving Communication execute strategy Evaluation measure effectiveness of plan In the real world this is not a linear process you will go back and forth many times PR Strategy Why do we plan Stay in line with organizational mission Gain and effectively manage resources Help us be pro active and set the agenda Help guide and use research Effectively communicate with publics PR Strategy News Release Media Advisory media kits Videos PSA s ads actualities Talking points op ed prepackaged stories Social media websites email Research Publicity press conferences interviews speeches Publications plans reports newsletters Special events media events Personal meetings fundraisers annual meetings Sponsorship volunteer PR Strategy Example One Sight Luxottica Charitable organization Goal of helping kids Also have a goal of making an Italian company that dominates the American eyeglass market a better corporate citizen Also cultivating new customers http www onesight org http www luxottica com en http www sunglasshut com http www cbsnews com 8301 18560 162 57527151 stickershock why are glasses so expensive tag strip PR Events PR Events PR Events PR Events PR Events PR Events PR Events

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UNT JOUR 2000 - PR Overview(1)

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