UNT JOUR 2000 - Intl PR(1)

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Int l Intercultural Considerations for PR Int l Intercultural PR Why do we care about understanding Int l Intercultural communication Cultural Differences Cultural Differences Cultural Differences Cultural Differences Cultural Differences Cultural Differences Int l Intercultural PR Globalization Growth in global populations markets democracies all potentially use PR All these things signal a potential for capitalism free speech social movements political movements Increasingly interconnected Increasing diversity in the U S Women as decision makers Targeting cultural and ethnic groups Int l Intercultural PR Pitfalls Problems Polysemics Multiple views on encoding decoding Cultural conflict ethical problems due to misunderstanding or differences in culture Cultural relativism no cultural system of ethics better than another Ethical imperialism ethnocentric believe your system is the right system Must strike a balance between the two Int l Intercultural PR Attitudes about Time Formality Individualism Rank Hierarchy Tradition Religion Taste trend diet pop culture Colors numbers symbols Assimilation acculturation Time Formality Individualism Tradition Rank Heirarchy Colors Numbers Symbols Tastes Trends Int l Intercultural PR Edward T Hall Time orientation polychronic monochronic Proxemics Low high context Int l Intercultural PR Hofstede s Cultural Dimensions Power Distance high low Individualism individualism collectivism Masculinity masculine feminine Uncertainty Avoidance high low Long term short term outlook

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Intl PR(1)

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