UNT JOUR 2000 - History PR2

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History of Modern PR in Historical Context Understanding Context There are many examples of PR acts in history before the development of the field of PR It s important to understand PR is not a new concept in the sense of spreading ideas reinforcing social norms and shaping culture Historical PR Historical PR Historical PR Historical PR Historical PR Historical PR Understanding Context Edward Bernays is known as the father of modern PR but the US was prime for the growth of the profession A number of historical trends influenced the growth of PR Growth of institutions Expansion of Democracy Advocacy Improved Communication Understanding Context To understand the rise of PR we have to understand where we were as a society Understanding Context Antebellum South Industrialized North Wild West South moved from subsistence farming to industrialized farming North moved from small villages to big industrialized cities The west was still wild but everyone wanted to move west in search of opportunity Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context With this came changes in wealth consumerism notions of the way we should live Understanding Context Civil War Era Changes in the press From colonial press to Penny Press Objective Press Changes in national governance From regions to a national identity Changes in population End of slavery diaspora of African American communities Increase in diversity Changes in wealth Rise of middle class aspiration of wealth All the while the world is shrinking Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Gilded Age Industrial Revolution late 1800 s Changes in population Influx of immigrants people from rural areas Growth in cities Changes in wealth status Rich incredibly rich Rise of middle class Middle Class Industrialization Consumerism Changes in the Way of Life Rise of leisure time weekends vacations Change in American Psyche American Dream Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Advertising Promotion boom in the era Understanding Context Early form of organized PR was known as press agentry Press Agents concerned with publicity stunts and shaping public image of emerging companies Understanding Context Advertising started as space brokers to buy space in newspapers for local merchants and companies Subset of newspaper industry Eventually evolved into a client focused model Ad agencies started doing everything from ad design to placement This coincided with the notion of branding sticking a brand on the goods and creating an identity for the company Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Changes in governance Trust Busting Labor movements Changes in industrialization Big companies Monopolies The tension between government corporations brought about the rise of Lobbying Corporate Relations Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Change in the American Psyche Westward Expansion Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Changes in media and the way the government businesses dealt with the media Rise in media relations and need for publicity bureaus Understanding Context Yellow Journalism was sensationalistic Rise of promotion and using the media to set an agenda Understanding Context The rise of objectivity Due to consumer demand at the end of the 19th Century led to the rise of more objective journalism New York Times was one of the first to adopt the objectivity model NYT founded in 1851 Rise of the inverted pyramid style who what when where how developed by war correspondents Civil War Understanding Context 1900 1920 Rise in civil rights Women s suffrage Labor rights Stabilization of Middle Class Increased wealth increased consumerism Change in Governance End of laissez fare government Government regulation WWI WWI Committee for Public Information Rise in Muckraking investigative journalism The world is shrinking even more Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Ivy Ledbetter Lee Established a publicity bureau in 1904 Believe that PR professionals had an obligation to the public as well as clients Stressed the importance of truth and ethical standards Increased both the professionalism and credibility of the field However he didn t always check with his clients about accuracy didn t always tell the truth worked for monopolies liked the Soviets and worked for the Nazis so Understanding Context 1920 1945 Roaring 20s Great Depression WWII Rise in mass consumerism power of consumerism Stock market crash New Deal economic revival War Bonds Rise in Dynamic Mass Media Rise in Celebrity Low Culture Rise in Government Institutions Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Edward Bernays Alum of the CPI former reporter and press agent Known as the father of PR Crystallizing Public Opinion 1923 Coined the phrase Counsel on Public Relations to mean the field of PR because other forms press agent publicity had limited or negative connotations Persuasion through PR message control press releases social psychology Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Post WWII Mass consumerism Further Civil Rights PR in Social Maturation of PR Advertising industries Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context Understanding Context It also brought a time of social activism civil rights movement women s rights consumer rights hippies anti war environmentalism etc PR once the domain of strong corporations maintaining control was co opted by smaller organizations and groups seeking a voice in society This coincided with an increase in TV and photojournalism in magazines They took advantage of image in PR PR History PR History PR History PR History PR History In a wider understanding PR is essential for Concepts of space and time Local vs national vs international Individualism and rights Democracy Hierarchy vs egalitarianism

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UNT JOUR 2000 - History PR2

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