UGA MARK 3000 - Primary Data Collection
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Mark 3000 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Marketing Research II The research Process III Step 1 Defining objectives IV Step 2 Designing the research V Step 3 Data collection a Types of Data b Secondary Data Outline of Current Lecture I Primary Data Collection techniques a Qualitative research b Quantitative research II Advantages and disadvantages of research Current Lecture Primary Data collection techniques Qualitative Research used to understand the phenomenon of interest through broad openended responses Provide Initial Information More informational Generally in depth and unstructured Observation Examining purchase and consumption behaviors through personal or video cameras o Manual observe in person o Mechanical observe through technology scanner data o Ethnographic observing a specific ethnic or demographic group In depth interviews Researchers ask questions listen to and record answers and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a particular issue o Limited in number unstructured time consuming These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Focus groups Small group comes together for an intensive discussion about a particular topic guided by a moderator o Groups of 8 to 12 members o Discuss one topic o Facilitated by moderator Social media Monitor blogs online communities to learn about the likes dislikes and preferences of customers o Sentiment mining data gathered by evaluating customer comments posted through social media sites such as Facebook and twitter o Companies also appoint management to overlook social media in order to gather the most up to date news about the company as well as competitors Quantitative Research structured responses that can be statistically tested to confirm insights and hypothesis generated via quantitative research or secondary step Usually the second step after doing qualitative data Statistically valid Large number of respondents Can generalize Experiments systematically manipulates one of more variables to determine which variables have a casual effect on another variable o Changing a variable and analyzing results o Usually change one of the four p s and look at the effects on sale o Field or lab Survey Research Systematic means of collecting information from people using a questionnaire o Telephone surveys o Mail surveys o Internet surveys o Mall intercept Interviews Interview people at the mall o In person interviews o Issues with surveys Interviewer Bias the presence of the interview may affect the answers Consumer willingness to participate o Types of questions Structured close ended and options are provided Likert scale Rate from 1 to 5 Semantic scale Respondent must pick a position between two opposite adjectives the food is Good Nasty Unstructured Open ended and allow responders to answer in their own words Choices are not provided Fill in the blank A simple fill in the blank question Projective technique Attempts to disguise the research purpose o Ex If this person was a car what car would they be o Questions to avoid Leading Steer respondent to particular response Double barreled refer to more than one issue with only one set of responses Jargon or Inappropriate terminology avoid using jargon Consumer unable to answer avoid questions that cannot easily or accurately answer o Ordering of questions be sure to put sensitive and personal questions at the end of a survey Also put difficult questions at the end of a survey Sampling issues for primary data o Need to correctly define the population o Important to have a sampling frame that is consistent with the population at study o Important to determine what type of sample is being used Advantages and disadvantages of research Primary research Advantages o Specific to immediate data needs o Offers behavioral insights generally not available in secondary research Disadvantages o Time consuming costly o More training and experience Secondary research Advantages o Saves time o Free or cheap Disadvantages o May not be relevant o Not timely o Sources may not be original o Sources may be biased

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UGA MARK 3000 - Primary Data Collection

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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