HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Social and Technological Shifts II European Trade III Religious Shifts Outline of Current Lecture I Normans II Technologies of Expansion a Heavy Cavalry b Bows c Castles III Bayeux Tapestry Current Lecture Rulers with Clout The Normans 1066 Norman invasion of England o Normans Vikings that attacked western Europe before settling down in Northern Francia 911 o Image Norman warriors 11th century o Norman expansion into Scotland Whales England Italy etc o Played a very important role in the first crusade o The two primary source documents for this week are chronicling the 1066 invasion of England from different perspectives Technologies of Expansion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Heavy cavalry Image Those who fight Most expensive and developed form of warfare in the 11th century Lorica male coat incredibly expensive A warrior may have about 50 lbs of armor Horses expensive another sign of wealth and superiority Warrior elite still involved social mobility o Bows Bowman could be hired and paid wages Short bow long bow cross bow most expensive needed more training These individuals were lower than many mounted fighters but still participated with the warrior elite o Castles In the 11th century there is a transformation from wooden castles to stone castles Typical wood castles Motte and Bailey Image Rochester Castle 12th century These new castles were a sign of Europe s growing prosperity and centralized political authority Kings had to control the castles to have any hope of controlling the kingdom These castles were very small served as outposts for militaristic elite to control surrounding countryside There was a rapid development in siege warfare increasingly elaborate ways of attacking castles Bayeux Tapestry c 1086 Compare Plate 14 Reading the Middle Ages o Created to commemorate the Norman conquest of England o Anglo Saxon King Edward died and a group claims that Harold should replace him Harold made an oath to allow William to be king and the tapestry shows that he breaks this oath and becomes king himself William builds an army and defeats Harold
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