ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 10 Akhenaton and the Amarna Revolution One true god is the Sun God Aten Polytheism Pharaohs are living gods Nefertiti Queen Son is Tutankhamen Revolutionized society Simply symbols of ruler ship Akhenaton Sandstone from the temple of Aton Karnak Egypt c 1353 1335 BC False beard and crossed arms Political strength and unity Long gated head heavy lidded eyes broad hips shoulders A little belly over the kilt Represents change throughout the culture Naturalism Not a living God show him in his naturalistic form Marffin syndrome colossal vertical build to the body bone structure is thin genetic trait Amplifies polytheistic change Fusion between male and female Sexless nature of Aton Major change in religion and architecture Thutmose Nefertiti Painted limestone Tell el Amarna Egypt c 1353 1335 BC Very well preserved object Nearly completed eye incomplete Elegant long neck Pectoral band and hieroglyphic symbols High cheek bones highly symmetrical features These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Heightened sense of naturalism Dual Symbolism intended physical form and the shape of her head being a plant Akhenaton Nefertiti and Three daughters limestone tell el Amarna Egypt c 13531335 BC Utilized to build the outer courtyard of his palace Amplifies intimacy than authority Private chamber smooching his daughter Family intimacy Not symbolized as gods but a family Concave chest structure Shown in composite view profile head frontal eye Crown reps upper and lower Egypt Nefertiti s body is alike NO scale hierarchy shown Underneath the thrown of Nefertiti are papyrus flowers and lotus flowers ATON is being shown in the solar disc NOT Amen Re Symbols of eternal life with the hands being stretched out to them Imagery transitions into naturalism united Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamen Gold with inlay of Enamel and Semiprecious stones Thebes Egypt c 1323 BC Tomb was one of the only tombs that was not tomb raided by robbers rare Carter found that Tut s death was very unexpected Tut s body was reposed in 5 sections Solid Gold with lapis lazuli and precious stones See the youth in his face Fusing him to Osiris in the afterlife Arms crossed Nemes head dress Nut protecting the soul of Tut in the afterlife with its wings Intricate detail Stones inlaid into the gold itself Naturalistic face Ureyes head of a vulture to represent Amen Re and fuses the amplification that he ruled all of Egypt Symbolic gouged out eye of Horus Death mask of Tutankhamen Gold with Inlay of Semiprecious stones Thebes Egypt c 1323 BC Last thing that covered up the mummy Opulence in the head dress Royal power and divinity represented Horus is protection upon king Tut Last Judgment of Hu Nefer Painted with papyrus scroll Thebes Egypt c 1290 1280 BC Painted on papyrus scroll used as paper Ka could read the spells Means of protecting the dead as they pass into the afterlife 3 different showings of Hu Nefer s formed into a continuous narrative Anubis performs the ritual Small canopic jar on one side of scale feather of maat on the other side to test if he is worthy or not ladies Thoth God of writing Inscribing his sentence for the after life Horus himself bring Hu Nefer into the next step of the ritual Outer shrine has Osiris himself to let him into the afterlife with his two twin
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