Personal VIPS What is Personal Brand How you are seen by others o How you want to be seen by others o How others actually see you Important why o Individuality standing out October 22 Resume Building 10 22 2014 What is a resume A summary of your education work experiences activities skills Why Tool to gain an interview Personalized marketing tool Demonstration of your skills and experiences Resume basic sections Heading Education Experience with tailored headings o Accomplishment statements Optional o Activities special skills honors awards presentations The Heading Name largest font size Address both campus home with dates Phone numbers E mail IU Optional personal web page portfolio links Center Key tips Resume Pay attention to job posting Do not list your daily tasks duties Don t use generic words use engaging action words Triple check spelling grammar addresses phone Use clean easy to read font and use only ONE font Personal Branding Networking Personal Brand Basics VIPS Social Media Presenting yourself Network yourself Develop brand connections Present yourself social media LinkedIn Use Twitter to build knowledge Blogs Industry Forums November 10
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