UNT PSCI 1040 - Texas Legislature
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PSCI 1040 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture II Structure of Exec Branch A Presidency B Cabinet depts C Independent exec agencies D Other agencies III Forces affecting action IV Problems Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Bicameralism Non Professional Legislature Consequences Powers Differences Selecting governor Candidates When gov is away Powers Diffuse the plural executive Current Lecture I II Bicameralism House 150 members 2 yr terms Senate 31 members 4 yr terms TX vs National Legislature One senator per district Two per district where the district is a state Non Professional Legislature Regular sessions biennial or 140 days Interim committees a few days a month These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V VI VII Special sessions Governor calls and sets agenda Can draft the initial proposal and promise new agenda items in return for votes 30 days each Low salary 7200 a yr per diem of 150 per day in session Consequences You have to have a flexible schedule You have to have a job that pays well during the off time Lots of lawyers fit the bill most blue collar laborers do not Gives lobbyists a lot of power a Many legislators work as lawyers during off season b Rely on lobbyists to provide information and bills Powers of Texas Legislature Pass laws Constituent service Investigation Oversight Impeachment Count votes for Governor and Lt Governor Texas and US Legislative Processes Differences US VP is figurehead as president of senate US House debate and amendment on floor controlled by Rules Committee Lt Gov is the real presiding officer of TX Senate TX House debate and amendment on floor controlled by Speaker of House U S fewer than 10 days in legislative session Pocket Veto President must accept or reject whole bill Texas fewer than 10 days in legislative session Gov has 20 days to sign or veto no Pocket Veto Texas Line Item Veto for appropriations Texas Executive The Governor and the Plural Executive Selecting the Governor Now Four year terms Elections in off years such as 2010 o Coincide with midterm elections rather than presidential elections o So presidential politics don t affect governor s race o Result is turnout is low Campaigns begin in January of election year Candidates One from each party chosen through primary elections Independents VIII IX X a Need 45 540 petition signatures can only sign if you didn t vote in the primary Candidates One from each party chosen through primary elections Independents b Need 45 540 petition signatures can only sign if you didn t vote in the primary Candidates for 2014 D Wendy Davis R Greg Abbott Five libertarians one will be chosen at April 12 convention o http www starovertexas com One third party candidate o Green Brandon Parmer When Governor is Away Lt gov takes his position On those days both pull full governor salary Gov is entitled to police protection Powers of Governor Introduce legislation budget Veto post adjournment veto or line item veto Bully pulpit power of persuasion Call special sessions of legislature and set agendas for them Appoint exec branch officials Other than those elected directly by the people Requires 2 3 senate approval once senate convenes senatorial courtesy requires approval of the state senator from the nominee s district Appoint judges to fill vacancies only until next election bc judges are elected GENERALLY TEXAS GOVERNORS ARE WEAK Texas removes agencies from gubernatorial control by having the heads independently elected and limiting the power of the governor to remove the people he appoints By design of course Power fragmented among executive offices and the plural exec Much of governor s power depends on political skill Diffuse Executive Power The Plural Executive Other executive officials Secretary of State appointed by the governor All other members of the plural executive are elected by the people Lt Governor Attorney General Comptroller Land Office Commissioner Agriculture Commissioner A Secretary of State Maintains government records Articles of incorporation Debt agreements loan documentation Oversees voter registration and elections B Lt Governor Elected independently doesn t run on a ticket with the governor Acting governor and governor s successor Significant legislative power President of the Senate Actually involved in debate and votes Legislative Redistricting Committee Legislative Budget Board Chair C Attorney General Texas s lawyer represents the state whenever the state is sued and pursues litigation on behalf of the state o Includes child support collection Issues opinions to other agencies re the meaning of legislation and the legality of state action D Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas s Accountant Collects revenue Projects future revenue and outlays Returns abandoned money eg Savings accounts and insurance policies http www window state tx us up Invests the state s money only in certain financial institutions E Commissioner of General Land Office Maintains public lands Controls mineral rights and development of such public land Operates the veterans land program F Commissioner of Agriculture Enforces all agricultural laws including animal quarantines Inspects farms and foodstuffs they produce Weights and measures G Also Independently Elected Railroad Commission Oil and gas production and transportation Pipelines Surface mining Alternative fuel development Education Commission Sets curriculum Standardized testing

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Texas Legislature

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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