UA CHEM 101B - IUPAC for Alkanes
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Chem 101B 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Representing Organic Molecules II Conformations of Organic Molecules III Hydrocarbon Functional Groups IV Naming Organic Molecules Outline of Current Lecture I IUPAC names for Alkanes II Alkyl Groups III Naming Substituents IV IUPAC Alkane Example V Alkyne Bond Angle Current Lecture I IUPAC names for Alkanes remember the first ten straight chain alkanes names and structures A Methane ethane propane butane pentane hexane heptane octane nonane decane search for pictures of the structures II Alkyl Groups A Alkanes missing one H B Substituents attached to carbon chains C Have the ending yl methyl ethyl butyl propyl etc III Naming Substituents A A carbon branch is named as an alkyl group and halogen atoms are named as halo chloro bromo iodo etc IV Example of Naming an Alkane Step 1 identify longest carbon chain The longest carbon chain has four carbons therefore the longest chain is butane Step 2 Number the chain and locate the substituents Step 3 Name These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V The bond angles in Alkynes are 180 degrees

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UA CHEM 101B - IUPAC for Alkanes

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