KIN 3305 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 9 Exam 1 Review Introduction What is sociology of sport A sub discipline of sociology and physical education kinesiology studies sport as part of social and cultural life comprehensive analysis of social cultural and historical aspects of sport Analyzing Sport from a Sociocultural Perspective o MUST KNOW 1 Sport vs other aspects of social life e g family education politics economics etc 2 Social organization group behavior and social interaction patterns existing within sport settings i e group dynamics within sport which may include teamwork cohesion loyalty and trust 3 Cultural structural and situational factors impacting sport sport experiences and sport environments e g race ethnicity class differences economic access gender security etc and 4 Social processes in conjunction with sport o Concerned with how the behavior of individuals and groups within sport settings are influenced by social relationships past social experience and social settings where sport and related physical activities take place e g venues and sports bars o Sport study of the interaction and or relationship between sport and society Sport as a Social Phenomena o Sports are more than athletic exercises they are an integral part of the social and cultural aspects of a society Sport as Social Conventions o Sports are developed and have been given meaning form by individuals within society as a result they give insight into a society s social political and economic systems Sports may typify the value system of a society Sports exhibit different forms and meanings from place to place Psychology Sociology of Sport o Sport Psyc Study behavior in terms of attributes and processes existing within indiv Emphasis placed on motivation cognition perception self esteem personality attitudes and performance Techniques and strategies may include mental imagery psyching up self talk and hypnosis o Sport psychologists address interpersonal dynamics which may include communication patterns leadership and social influence o Emphasis is within the individual o Sport psychologists seek answers to various research questions via attitudes emotions perceptions and response patterns of individuals on test inventories o Sport Sociologists study sport related behavior in terms of social conditions and the cultural contexts in which individuals live Social environment milieu is key o Interested in social issues relationships organizations and social change e g sport participation race gender labor relations etc o Tend to focus attention on how sport and physical activities are organized and how participants fit into these organizations o Sport Sociologists seek answers to research questions via social conditions political and economic factors norms and traditions and historical circumstances o Sport Sociologists attempt to change external conditions whereas Sport Psychologists tend to focus attention on personal experiences o Focus on group experiences o Deemed controversial because it helps individuals better understand sport s as a social phenomenon o Recommendations to address the problem may threaten the status quo o Sport is demystified Awareness may lead to the discovery of problems based on the structure of sport Ideologies o General perspecives and ideas people employ to make sense out of their social world or a specific aspect of it o Invariably impacts views pertaining to society o Various ideologies exist in society e g gender racial class religious cultural etc o Cultural ideology A general ideology subscribed to many within a society Can impact views and actions regarding gender class and race in sport and society Not always consistent within a society or representative of the beliefs of those in a given society e g sport and character building academics and athletics etc Why Study Sport From a Socio cultural Perspective o Pervasive and all encompassing nature o Has permeated all aspects of society o Globalization aspect particularly in North America and highly industrialized countries o Sport is an aspect of American life that is so pervasive that virtually no individual is untouched by it Miller Lite Report 1983 Pervasiveness of Sport o Sport has a major impact on Politics Olympic boycotts 1980 and 1984 and the athletic arms race International athletic exchange programs Stadium and arena referendums Economics Sport facility construction and renovation costs Athletic marketing and merchandising Professional player s salaries Major sporting event broadcasting rights e g bowl games world cup Olympics etc Network advertising Superbowl commercials Education Scholastic and collegiate sport teams Athletic scholarships Socialization Youth sports Character development Morals and Values Work ethic and integrity Loyalty Sportspersonship Religion Pregame prayer muscular Christianity Child Rearing Nationalism National anthem prior to sporting events YMCA FCA AIA etc Race Ethnicity Identity and Social Mobility Basketball vs volleyball hockey vs boxing Labor Relations Unions strikes and collective bargaining Reserve clause antitrust laws and free agency Lifestyles and Health Eating habits and dietary supplements Fitness craze cosmetic fitness and empowerment What is Sport o Institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigorous physical exertion or the use of relatively complex motor skills by individuals motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors or personal enjoyment and external rewards o Determining what is a sport and what isn t can be difficult to discern b c what is deemed a sport varies over time and from culture to culture Although arbitrary certain characteristics can aid in the determination of sport forms o Elements Comprising Sport Physical activity skill prowess and exertion of major muscle groups Competition a test of individual or group athletic prowess Unknown Outcome winner or loser not predetermined Structured Conditions competition occurs under formal rules and guidelines rules and guidelines institutionalized Results and Outcomes Institutionalization and Sport o Institutionalized or Institutionalization a major tenet or principle with respect to organized sport o Refers to a standardized set of actions or behaviors maintained over time and consistent from one situation to another o Sport adheres to the following Standardized rules Sanctioned agencies for rule enforcement Technical aspects for skill acquisition Formalized mechanisms for training o
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