Jour 201 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 11 Lecture 1 January 15 Principles of Public Relations The two main aspects of Public Relations Leadership and Management Function o Main goals of Leadership and Management To achieve organizational objectives define philosophy and facilitate organizational change Two types of communication Persuasive and Purposive o These communication techniques are used to communicate with Internal Publics and External Publics Internal Public employees of a company External Publics the customers stockholders etc Management As managers PR practitioners design plan communication campaigns o Expectations as a manager Anticipating and analyzing public opinion attitudes and issues that may impact the organization Counseling management at all levels policy decisions course of actions communications Researching and evaluating organizational objectives May include marketing fundraising employee relations community relations and government relations Planning and implementing efforts to shift or change public policy Setting objectives planning creating a budget and training staffmanaging resources Have a keen understanding of human behavior technical skills and knowledge Leadership In leadership PR practitioners suggest a need for change to company leadership or indicate the direction a change should take o Expectations in Leadership Understand current social political and economic issues Make suggestions based on organizational ideology societal perceptions and expectations Lecture 2 January 20 Integrated Marketing Communications IMC is the planning and execution of all types of advertising like and promotion like messages selected for a brand service or company in order to meet a common set of communication objectives or more particularly to support a single positioning o The goal of IMC is to build relationships with consumers and stakeholders through a single clear and consistent message across channels Marketing Mix crucial when determining a product or brand s offer o Product What is the product does it have good quality is it useful etc o Price Is the price reasonable and efficient o Place Distribution How where the product will be distributed o Promotion Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling Marketing Direct Marketing communicating directly with the customer ex texts emails etc Public Relations publicity that does not cost money ex press conferences Digital Marketing using electronic devices to promote your product ex placement in games on television etc Sponsorship Marketing where a company pays to be associated with a certain product ex Home Depot sponsors College Game Day Lecture 3 January 22 History of Public Relations 427 347 BC Rhetoric established as a distinct discipline in Greece o Plato Gorgias of Leontinium o Goal of a rhetorician was to persuade the public and influence public opinion th 17 Century Roman Catholic Church created Congregatio de Propaganda 1642 Harvard College implemented the first systematic fund raising campaign 1758 King s College now Columbia University issued the first press release 1765 American Revolution broke out many PR firsts o Boston Tea Party Publicity for the war o Taxation without representation is tyranny Issues Management o Caucus Club Community Relations 1840 s P T Barnum first press agent used hype to gain media and public attention 1760 1840 Industrial Revolution altered the structure of society o Lead to mass production rise of advertising and a need for public relations expertise o Public relations used to garner public support 1898 Westinghouse Electric established first corporate communications department 1906 George V S Michaelis established the Publicity Bureau 1913 Ivy Lee Founder of Public Relations o Established the essence of PR to do the right thing o Advocated for policy that was created for the public good o Public must be informed 1917 Creel Committee Beginnings of the persuasive campaign o Demonstrated the power of mass persuasion and social influence at national level o Used to create public support for the war 1920 Edward Bernay s Crystallizing Public Opinion Measurable and scientific less about propaganda o Said There must be a technique for the mass distribution of ideas 1920 Arthur Page Moved beyond publicity and persuasion sought to maintain direct contact with publics Created 6 Principles of Public Relations 1 Tell the truth 2 Prove it with Action 3 Listen to the Customer 4 Manage for Tomorrow 5 Conduct Public Relations as if the Whole Company Depends on It 6 Remain Calm Patient and Good humored 1925 More than half of all manufacturing companies were publishing employee magazines o Used to inform employees explain mission and values link stakeholders to organization create a stronger corporate identity internally and externally 1947 Boston University established first school of public relations 1948 Public Relations Society of America 1960 Professionalization of public relations 1970 International Association of Business Communicators 1990s o Key themes Use of internet as a new communication technology Growth and merging of public relations agencies 2000s Participatory culture Convergent and networked culture create the need for trans media planning Lecture 4 January 27 Public Relations and Theory Theory prediction of how events and actions are related Theories o Systems Theory Emphasizes the interdependence of organizations with their environments both internal and external to the organization Both the organization and the environment need each other Open system Use public relations to bring back information on how productive their relationships are with stakeholders Closed system Do not seek new information Organizational decisionmaking is internal Begin to view public relations practitioners as boundary spanners If we keep the system open we create a two way flow of information and resources o Situational Theory Used to describe relationships when and why individuals become active in communication behaviors such as information seeking Recognizing that stakeholder groups can be broken down into sub groups Level 1 Level of involvement how much an individual cares about an issue passive vs active Level 2 Problem Recognition The extent to which individuals perceive that a situation has consequences for them Level 3 Constraint Recognition The perception of obstacles that may stand in the way of a solution high constraint recognition individual may believe they have little
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