UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Prenatal Testing

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Assessing new born II Neonatal scale III reflexes Outline of Current Lecture I Prenatal Test I Crying II SID III Teratogen Current Lecture prenatal testing triple screen quad screen offered to pregnant woman over 35 and pregnant had an amniocentesis to see if have aneuploidy it is expensive and needle through abdominal wall risk to fetus and mother about 50 of fetuses can be fatal blood test instead in the blood have free dna maternal and fetal dna id dna from fetus and test it for aneuploidy this test is more accurate cheaper this can also be used to detect a genetic defect These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute in vitro fertilization implantation of genetic embryos ex if carrier for tac sac have 25 chance of passing it to child allows to have children with little risk of disease take off single cell of developing embryo and determine genome of fertilized embryo can pick embryo without the trait expensive crying at birth infants maybe two different types of crying basic cry pain cry as baby gets older they cry differently in different situations different crying different disorders different type of crying basic angry pain being teased cry the basic cry and pain cry are heard differently pain cry has a pause in it cry to get parent to do something what do parents do when their baby is crying hold the baby is the main which calm baby down feeding pacifying and holding and rocking SID unexplained infant death up until 1990 when put baby to sleep put them on their stomach due to when the baby spits up and vomit because they thought they baby could choke if they were on their back changed and said to put babies to sleep on their back the death rates of SID decreased campaign called safe to sleep sleeping on sofa is bad blankets in crib bad stuffed animals in cribs bad infant sleeps in parents bed bad pushing away a cloth in front of their face neonatal SIDs rate peaks at 2 3 months when neonatal reflexes go away risk factors male winter time peak at 2 4 months over heated room sleep on stomach soft blankets pre mature birth early term 37 38 pre term 37 and below march of dimes 36 weeks or younger long term problems with that child depending on length of gestation intellectual disabilities ADHD baby borna few weeks early still have a large risk 22 24 weeks babies can survive 23 26 28 high risk of mortality 50 70 enduring physical orintellectual disability 28 30 survival increases dramatically 34 35 almost all babies survive test kids 33 34 weeks 20 years later have a lower IQ than a baby with a 40 weeks risk of prematurity depends on ethnicity 10 percent babies born preterm AfricanAmerica have much more preterm births teratogen a substance that the fetus is exposed to that causes a birth defect or disease can be medication chemical virus bacteria parasite alcohol

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