UW-Milwaukee ARTHIST 101 - Ancient Egypt Era

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ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 9 Egyptian Mummy and coffin c 1000 BC Pharaohs given more elaborate burial Wood reps upper class individuals Arms crossed upon chest mirrors Osiris Actual body has crossed armed pose Tomb robbers would break into actual corpse Similar to Sargon I Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut Sandstone Dier el Bahri Egypt c 1473 1458 BC She declares herself pharaoh Copious enemies Assassinated Precession amplifying ritual celebrations after her death Considered herself daughter of Ahmun Ra Mentohutep reunited Egypt Hatshepsut with Offering Jars Red Granite Dier el Bahri Egypt c 1473 1458 BC Taken from Mortuary Temple Royal usage through the medium Kneeling form Nemes head dress pleated kilt and the false beard is being worn Nothing on her to suggest that she is a female Show that she is the same as every other pharaoh before Mummy of Ramses II One of the most iconic mummies Chief warrior kings throughout Egypt These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Long lived for the time Receding hair line decaying body and skin Linked directly to Osiris Pharaohs notorious for inbreeding Temple of Ramses II Sandstone Abu Simbel Egypt c 1290 1224 BC Divine and youthful athleticism Not his mortuary temple Buried in the Valley of the Kings Intent at the time was to expand Egyptian territory Colossal structure Carved and locked into the stone to represent permanence Blue crown combined crown to fuse lower and Upper Egypt Solar disc on head to represent Ahmun Ra and a falcon to represent Horus Interior of the Temple of Ramses II Sandstone Abu Simbel Egypt c 1290 1224 BC Newt offering protection for Ahmun Ra Solar association attached Sunrise directly aligns along the temple s entrance Amplifies divinity of the pharaoh Political intimidation to show who is in charge and who has the power The Great Temple of Amen Re Karnak Egypt Begun 15 th Century BC Across the temple of the Valley of the Kings Constructed and added to by successive kings Dedicated to the Sun God Amen Re Remains of the hypostyle hall roof is supported by walls on the side Sacred lakes and boat pits are very sacred important Amplify fortified defenses Gateways to lead into structures Avenue of Sphinxes Karnak Egypt Begun 15 th Century BC Curling horns of the rams signified the solar discs of Amen Re Direct processional movement into the site Truncated Pylons form the walls The Hypostyle Hall The Great Temple of Amen Re Karnak c 1290 1224 BC Shrunken columns and full sized columns Inner capitals are blossomed lotus flowers Unblossomed papyrus bud capitals on shrunken columns Clerestory level of windows allow light to stream through the temple to amplify the God s power and divinity David Roberts Great hall at Karnak Oil on canvas 1838 Chiseled very deeply to show permanence Blue skin reps Sun God royal Amen Re shown with 2 giant feathers to symbolize the feather of truth Fowling Scene from the tomb of Nebamun Dry Fresco Thebes Egypt c 1400 1350 BC Official to one of the courts Let plaster dry and then paint on it to make dry fresco Duality Nebamun striving forward to hunt Seth Scale hierarchy Wife shrunken behind him and his daughter below him braid Lotus and papyrus fused in the scene Profile and top view shown at once Nebamun enjoys hunting in the afterlife Cat was associated with Baas duality protection and defense going into the afterlife

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