UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Expansion of Europe: 11th and 12th Centuries

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HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Localism a Private relationships b Hugh and Count William II Those who Fight III Those who Work IV Those who Pray Outline of Current Lecture I Social and Technological Shifts II European Trade III Religious Shifts Current Lecture The Expansion of Europe 11th and 12th Centuries Rosenwein Short History Map 4 6 Europe around 1050 still profound localism map shows how regionalized each kingdom was first map that highlights political units that are somewhat recognizable to us with regard to the current world layout from this point on with the Medieval expansion of Europe we see political consolidation etc Demographic Explosion populations drastically rise Population of Medieval Europe in millions estimates These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Region 650 1000 1340 Italy 2 5 5 10 France 3 6 19 England 0 5 2 5 Germany 2 4 11 5 Image Padbury England typical small village layout o Cluster of homes for those who work o Larger home for lord o Church o Surrounded by fields Technological Changes for Agricultural Production o Increased use of seasonal 3 field crop rotation o Increased use of heavy metal plows o Development of horse collar rests weight on the horses shoulders o Increased number of mills windmills dams etc o more people more land more crops agricultural revolution Source 5 1 describes the chartering of new towns o More villages more people more new jobs o Diversifying of the economy Commercial Revolutions o Map 5 2 Tours in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries o Urban Growth o Newly prominent prosperous cities New groups of people that identify as city dwellers New faction of society not just those who work fight pray anymore City contained the episcopal center Why do local authorities grant charters o Local leaders have the right to take tolls mint money collect taxes on trade Map 7 3 European Trade Networks o Long distance trade o Ties together various European cities economic boom o Emergence of trade networks that tie the Mediterranean together as it hadn t been in years Italian contracts people pooling money to engage in trade across the sea very risky commenda Compania similar to commenda but across land Communes new forms of urban governments to address distinct political and economic goals that are specific to certain cities o Experimental form of governance that creates new social and political tensions o Royal authority benefitted from this change centralized government kings have the authority to grant these powers and reap the financial benfitts Ralph Glaber Five Books of History ca 1030 o Discussed the changes that occurred religiously o Image Church of Saint Martin in Burgandy Romanesque architecture building upon Roman models Visible sign of the prosperity that was flourishing with the creation of these new churches There was a sense of church reform Emergence of a strong and socially supported Roman papacy Emergence of new forms of religious learning Cathedral schools to educated the clergy o Eventually evolved into Universities Emergence of new religious orders o Creates tensions anxiety debate etc about the role of wealth in the church

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - The Expansion of Europe: 11th and 12th Centuries

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