UNT PSCI 1040 - Bureacracy
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PSCI 1040 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Outline of Current Lecture II Structure of Exec Branch A Presidency B Cabinet depts C Independent exec agencies D Other agencies III Forces affecting action IV Problems Current Lecture Bureaucracy I The Milk Carton Exercise II Structure of the Executive Branch A Presidency President Executive Office of the President i White House Staff B Cabinet Departments Agriculture Commerce Defense Education Energy Health and Human Services Homeland Security Housing and Urban Development These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Interior Justice Labor State Transportation Treasury Veterans Affairs C Independent Executive Agencies NASA CIA Veterans Affairs started here D Other Bureaucratic Agencies E Independent Regulatory Commissions Postal Rate Commission Federal Reserve Board F Independent Government Corporations U S Postal Service Tennessee Valley Authority Amtrak More autonomy III The Politics of Agency Structure Creating agency issue s importance Independence from executive cabinet departments Policy making latitude Non political considerations efficiency think Post Office Maintain Congressional control The Unitary Executive Remember Hamilton unified or unitary executive necessary for energy Structure of agencies affects unitary executive Unitary executive goal of first Bush pres Others prefer plausible deniability The Politics of Agency Structure D The Regulated Interests Agency devoted to your issue means it is important gives you visibility Agency capture Concentrated benefits diffuse costs Concentrated costs diffuse benefits Iron triangles E What Bureaucratic Agencies Do Short answer implement laws and policies Inspection and Enforcement Rule making Adjudication Legislation Litigation IV Forces Affecting Bureaucratic Action A Congress Oversight Funding Legislative mandates B President Unitary executive Appointment and removal C Clientele Iron triangles V Problem 1 Slow and Inefficient Congressional and Presidential CONTROL Principal agent problem Prevent policy slippage or drift Fairness and equal treatment One person s red tape may be another s treasured procedural safeguard VI Problem 2 Ineffective Impossible tasks Results difficult to measure VII Problem 3 Slow to Change Prone to Expansion and Waste Parochialism narrow perspective Self Interest Point of View VIII Ways to Fix the Bureaucracy Termination Deregulation Devolution Privatization

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UNT PSCI 1040 - Bureacracy

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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