K-State CHM 210 - LR 10 - 1 - 2014 with answ

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LR 10 1 2014 1 2 Draw the Lewis structures for each of the following species Identify the ones that do not obey the octet rule and explain why they do not a SO32 obeys the octet rule b BH3 central atom has less than an octet 3 pairs of electrons c AsF6 central atom has more than an octet 6 pairs of electrons d O2 central atom has an odd number of electrons 7 electrons e NO2 central atom has an odd number of electrons 7 electrons f GeF4 obeys the octet rule Determine the electron domain and the molecular geometry of the following in which A is the central atom B are the terminal atoms and E is are lone pair s Electron Domain Molecular Geometry AB3 trigonal planar trigonal planar AB2E trigonal planar bent AB3E tetrahedral trigonal pyramidal AB2E2 tetrahedral bent AB3E2 trigonal bipyramidal see saw AB2E3 trigonal bipyramidal linear AB6 octahedral octahedral AB5E octahedral square pyramidal AB4E2 octahedral square planar

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K-State CHM 210 - LR 10 - 1 - 2014 with answ

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