K-State CHM 210 - LR 9 - 24 - 2014 with answ

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LR 9 24 2014 1 Arrange the following atoms according to increasing electronegativity Si Ge P Ge Br As Se Ge Si P 2 C F O N Ge As Se Br C N O F Which of the following molecules contain polar covalent bonds H2 KCl NO2 NF3 SF6 P5O10 CaF2 Cl2 3 Based on your knowledge of electronegativity choose the molecule with the lowest ionic character H2O H2S H2Se H2Te 4 If the percent ionic character of H3As is 17 8 will the ionic character of PH3 be higher or lower higher 5 Arrange each set of bonds in order of increasing polarity and indicate bond polarity with and a Cl F Cl Cl b Si Cl Cl Br Cl Br P Cl Cl Cl Cl F S Cl Si Si Si Si S Cl P Cl Si Cl 6 Using the periodic table only arrange the members of each of the following sets in order of increasing bond strength a Br Br Cl Cl I I I I Br Br Cl Cl b S H S Br S Cl S Br S Cl S H c C N C N C N C N C N C N 1 7 8 Using the periodic table only arrange the members of each of the following sets in order of increasing bond length a H F b C S c N H H I C O N S H Cl H F H Cl H I C O C O C O C S N O N H N O N S Draw the Lewis structure for PH3 valence e s 5 3 8 H P H H H2O CF4 valence e s 6 2 1 8 e s for TA 0 8 4 pairs of e s on CA There is one lone pair on the central atom e s for TA 0 8 4 pairs of e s on CA H O H There are two lone pairs on the central atom valence e s 4 4 7 32 e s for TA 24 F F C F F 8 4 pairs of e s on CA There are 3 lone pairs on each fluorine atom 2

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K-State CHM 210 - LR 9 - 24 - 2014 with answ

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