UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - New Born

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Cell development II nervous system formation III trimesters Outline of Current Lecture I Assessing new born II Neonatal scale III Reflexes Current Lecture labor video muscle tone bad if too stiff or too flaccid assessing new born berryBraselton pediatrician in a hospital in Boston thought new born baby behavior was more sophisticated as what the academic literature showed developed neonatal investment scale CLNBAS sucking reflex visual tracking in response to auditory target sleep state assess situation alert situation orientation or motor items light over infants eyesshake rattle every 5 seconds if baby does not shut out ex tend and reach legs and then arms to see if recoil rooting and sucking see if head turns hand graspthen move to seating position crawl watch for head turn and arm and leg movement cry see if can self console response to face and voice soft voice and move face to side respond o human face without voice respond to just a human voice tracking use red ball at midline one side to other this also educates and informs the parents These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute neonatal reflex es stereotype behavior that occurs to a response of a specific stimulus ex ample rooting reflex most of these relax es go away when child reaches 2 or 3 these reflex es help to show that thebrain is normal if not shown then not normal stimulate bottom of feet of baby toes ex tend but for adults their toes curl in detect spinal cord or brain injury Babinski sign new born states quite sleep active sleep drowsiness crying alert awake active awake

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