Lesson 4 Envisioning the Stage Cont What is a Play Attending to Dramatic Structure Dr Macki Braconi Introduction to Theatre Spring 2015 Learning Objectives for today s unit Part I of lesson Finish learning about stage spaces proscenium thrust arena black box to familiarize you with each of these configurations You will identify where the audience sits in each and determine advantages disadvantages for each spatial arrangement Part 2 of lesson Begin to analyze the structure of a play and or a theatrical performance so that you can start to break down the plays that you ll be reading and attending this semester Specifically in terms of identifying the structure of a play we want you to understand a performance s critical elements or its individual components to help you analyze a play which we ll hone in on more on Thur 2 5 Learning Objectives Cont FROM THE READING The reading for this class briefly introduces you to genre classification i e mainly tragedy and comedy but also other genres melodrama mystery solo performance etc so that when you read or attend a play you can better categorize it Please pay attention to this section in the reading You should know Aristotle s components of a play and the significance of those conventions You should be familiar with the order in which a theatrical event develops and proceeds in the text referred to as preplay the play itself and postplay Question Are there any outdoor Proscenium theatres http milleroutdoortheatre com Note Last class someone smartly asked if there were any outdoor proscenium theatres I was a bit stumped I couldn t think of any existing operational ones Natalia referenced a few historical ones abroad that were used as museums So I was curious and found this example Announcement For a preview of the show GO TO https www youtube com watc h v 8C 9fhqun4Y x yt ts 1422579428 x yt cl 851 14404 For extra credit Attend ENDURANCE at the Jorgensen Center for the Arts on campus on Wed Feb 4 2015 at 7 30 pm and submit a response paper For more information on the extra credit assignment go to Assignments tab in HuskyCT Essays due 2 9 15 by 9 am For student discount tickets contact Jorgensen s Box Office 860 486 4226 2132 Hillside Road University of Connecticut In which arrangement is the audience seated on at least 2 but not more than 3 sides of the stage A B C D E proscenium thrust Arena All of the above None of the above ANS B Type 3 Thrust Stage Notice where the audience is seated surrounding stage on 3 sides 3 Thrust Stage Arial view of thrust stage Thrust Advantages vs Disadvantages Advantages what does it offer More intimate relationship with audience The relationship is more personal and in your face It invites you into the environment Lower costs Advantages Disadvantages of Thrust Cont Potential disadvantages challenges Design acting and staging needs to work in three directions Restricted scenery Often limited fly space Scenery props costumes sound have to be more realistic to life Limited capability for scene changes More challenging to light Limited or no off stage storage Sight line issues Musicals have to be on the smaller size where would you put an orchestra No act curtain so scene changes occur in full view of the audience What kind of space are these stadiums Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park what do you notice Where are spectators seated These are examples of arena spaces Type 4 Arena Stage This space is often called theatre in theround or stadium Notice how spectators surround stage on all sides 4 Arena Stage Arial view of Arena Arena Stage Advantages Disadvantages What are its advantages Proximity of audience can help spectators feel more involved in the play Limited scenery needed More people can be in the front row Audience focus is directed to the costumes lighting directing and acting vs set Ideal for small budget Note Decent lighting inventory helps lighting designer explore different options Arena Advantages Disadvantages Cont DISADVANTAGES CHALLENGES Greater detail and expressiveness required in all production elements Sightline problems To insure optimal sightlines for audience on all sides only limited scenery can be used nothing too tall large that could potentially block audience s view Generally there s no fly system in these spaces Actors will always have their back to one side of the audience directors have to work on staging in diagonals vs straight lines to improve visibility which brings us to Blocking difficulties Special demands are placed on director s staging and production s design staging has to work 360 degrees Designer must suggest locale period mood style with only a few touches minimal sets accent pieces puts an added emphasis on costumes to convey local period style Scene changes are often made in full view or partial view often in semi darkness and executed by stagehands or actors Difficult to light In a black box theatre the audience seating and performance areas are rigidly fixed True B False A ANS B Type 5 Black Box space Flexible Stage In these spaces designers and directors have multiple options in terms of their overall design possibilities it may be realistic or it may be metaphoric With this space There are no defined rules about audience actor relationship they can mix in dynamic ways 5 Possible Black Box Configurations Flexible Stage Arial view of possible black box staging configurations Black Box Stage Advantages vs Disadvantages Directors have multiple options in terms of overall design possibilities No defined rules about audience actor relationship Very flexible Small and intimate Great for small theatre companies Low cost Black Box Stage Advantages vs Disadvantages Disadvantages Limited lighting capability often do not have as many lighting instruments as larger spaces Limited scenery capability because it s so small Requires greater detail on props and costumes Blocking difficulties because it s so small Test your knowledge Of the indoor theatrical spaces we ve covered proscenium arena thrust black box which space would be most ideally suited for producing Rocky The Musical with video projections jumbotron screens and an exact replica of a regulation size boxing ring and on stage bleacher seats for spectators Why Part II What is a Play A play is basic unit of theatre It is an event The event of the play is action surrounding a conflict It can also refer to literature Written plays have existed for more than 2500 years How is dramatic action organized Two common ways that
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