UCM CJ 3405 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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CJ 3405 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Homicide Investigation Mid Term Study Guide 1 What is the definition of a Homicide 2 What are the 3 basic principles involved in the initiation of an effective homicide investigation 3 What is the location referred to where the body is initially found 4 Can there be more than one crime scene If so what could those additional crime scenes be 5 What is the cardinal rule in homicide cases 6 Who has the most important role in making sure that evidence needed for an investigation are protected and preserved 7 Why is it so important to make sure that evidence is protected and preserved in the first place 8 Although it is important to move any bystanders family or witnesses away from the crime scene why should you make sure that they do not completely leave the area 9 According to our notes what are the duties of law enforcement 10 What are the responsibilities of the first responding officer to a homicide scene and why are they so important 11 Why is it essential that the lead officer begin his report the moment he arrives at the scene 12 What is an important log for the first responder to keep and continually updating with current information as it is found so that everything that is said in court is credible 13 What is the saying among investigators about evidence 14 Along with the primary crime scene what are some other areas related to the primary crime scene that should not get overlooked 15 Why is it important to reduce the amount of traffic you have coming in and out of a crime scene 16 What is one way to monitor who comes in and out of the crime scene 17 Why is it essential for the lead officer on the case to get into contact with the reporting party as quickly as possible What information does that officer need to know from the reporting person 18 After the scene is secured what information needs to be obtained and recorded from dispatch 19 What could the initial 911 caller potentially become very quickly in the investigation 20 What information is mandatory to record from any witnesses possible suspects and even the victim if they can be easily identified 21 Look over the 10 rules of procedures that the First officer should make sure and complete which can be found on page 40 41 in the book 22 What does A D A P T stand for 23 Who should the lead officer request help from once the scene is secured and ready for further investigation what specific jobs need to be fulfilled 24 What questions need to be asked in order to establish probable cause 25 Why is listing evidence of the injury and the apparent cause of death important 26 What are a few reasons why it is important for detectives to determine the condition of the body and the color of the blood 27 Look on page 68 at the 12 things that should be recorded by the detective s at the point of arrival on scene 28 Why is it necessary for investigators to wear rubber gloves and other protective gear 29 Who may the lead detective need to contact in the case that the deceased body is covered in bugs 30 Why could the investigation of the bugs be essential to the case what information could they provide 31 What are the 3 different types of searches and why does it important to use the correct type of search given the area that needs to be searched 32 What is a crime scene sketch 33 Why is it important for a sketch of the crime scene to be very detailed and what elements should the sketch include 34 What should be done with important pieces of evidence found at the scene of the homicide 35 Why is it important that quality photographs are taken at the scene of the crime What are some main things that an investigator may want to have photographic evidence of 36 What is the importance of writing GOOD reports and what can your reports be used for and by who 37 What is the importance of the saying If it ain t written it didn t happen 38 What are the essentials of a report 39 Why is a killer s motive method opportunity and venue important to know in a homicide investigation 40 What are the major classifications of death 41 What are the aims which hope to be answered in a death investigation 42 What is the most common type of death 43 What are some examples of accidental deaths 44 What can suicide sometimes be made to look like and why 45 What are some factors to look for when first examining the body 46 What are the different stages of decomposition of a body 47 What are some factors that can effect body decomposition 48 Why is it significant if the body is in the beginning stages of decomposition What can this help you determine 49 What does Ante mortem mean 50 What does Post mortem mean 51 Why is it important to know the nature of the injury 52 Why is it important to be aware of Algor Mortis being present What can this indicate 53 What is Rigor Mortis and why is it important to be aware of this being present 54 How long after death does Rigor Mortis occur and how long does it last 55 What is the term for when a body is deprived of oxygen 56 What exactly occurs when a body undergoes a cadaveric spasm 57 Why is it important to identify if the dead body has any blunt force trauma or incised wounds What information can be taken from these findings 58 What is Livor Mortis and what does it look like when it is occurring in a dead body 59 How long after death does Livor Mortis begin to occur and how long until the blood is completely fixed 60 What could Livor Mortis help determine given that there are high water marks on the dead body 61 REMEMBER DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME YOU ONLY HAVE ONE CHANCE

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