Name USC loginid e g ttrojan CS 455 Midterm Exam 1 Fall 2010 Bono Sept 29 2010 There are 4 problems on the exam with 55 points total available There are 7 pages to the exam including this one make sure you have all of them There is also a double sided one page code handout that accompanies the exam If you need additional space to write any answers you may use the backs of exam pages just direct us to look there Remote DEN students only Do not write on the backs of pages If additional space is needed ask proctor for additional blank page s put your name on them and attach them to the exam Put your name and USC ID number at the top of the exam Please read over the whole test before beginning Good luck value Problem 1 10 pts Problem 2 4 pts Problem 3A 8 pts Problem 3B 8 pts Problem 4 25 pts TOTAL 55 pts score Problem 1 10 pts Consider the following code fragment p x 5 y 10 Point p new Point 5 10 Point r Point s new Point 12 20 s p p translate 50 100 System out println s getX Part A 6 To the right of the code complete the diagram started above so it shows all object variables objects and their state as they change during the code sequence Part B 2 What is printed by the code Part C 2 How many Point objects are created by the code above 2 Problem 2 4 pts Consider the following version of the Drunkard class from PA1 and a code fragment that uses it public class Drunkard public Drunkard Point startLoc int aStepSize code to init any other fields not shown Point currentLoc new Point startLoc stepSize aStepSize other methods fields not shown private Point currentLoc private int stepSize Drunkard joe new Drunkard new Point 10 20 5 Part A 2 The Drunkard class compiles but has an error Hint it s related to variable declarations Show the exact value for joe after executing the code fragment above i e do not fix the error describe what the code does as is Use a box and pointer diagram there was an example of such a diagram in Problem 1 Part B 2 Fix the code make your changes right in the class code above don t rewrite it 3 Problem 3 16 pts total Part A 8 Consider the following code we discussed in lecture to look up a value in an ArrayList using linear search The current version of the method works on ordered or unordered ArrayLists and it always looks at all size elements in the ArrayList for unsuccessful searches Modify the code so that the new version only works on ArrayLists whose elements are in increasing order and takes advantage of the ordering to in general perform better on unsuccessful searches than the old version That is it will stop looking when it gets to the part of the ArrayList that has values bigger than the one we are looking for For example target joe bob carly john mary peter sam tom we don t need to look past john at mary peter sam or tom to figure out that joe is not there namesArr Note make your changes directly in the code below or write any additional code to the right adding arrows to show where the new code belongs Also see code handout for compareTo method for doing inequality comparisons between Strings public class Names implementation invariant values in namesArr are unique and in increasing alphabetical order private ArrayList String namesArr returns location of target in namesArr or 1 if not found private int lookupLoc String target do not change the method header int loc 0 while loc namesArr size target equals namesArr get loc loc if loc namesArr size return 1 else return loc rest of Names class not shown 4 Problem 3 cont Part B 8 Come up with a good set of test cases to thoroughly test our new version of the code i e this should include cases we would have used on the old version as well as ones designed to exercise all parts of the new code Use the following Names object contents in some or all of your tests namesArr bob carly john mary peter sam tom For each test case a give the exact input that would be used target and namesArr if different from the namesArr given above b show the expected result i e expected return value of the function for that case and c describe what case is being tested by that input target and possibly namesArr expected result case tested 5 Problem 4 25 pts total Consider the following class to simulate a die i e most commonly is 6 sided plural is dice Assume someone already implemented the class for us public class Die constructs a die with the given number of sides pre numSides 1 public Die int numSides simulates one throw of the die returns a random number in the range 1 numSides public int throw return number of sides of the die public int getNumSides Example of using the Die class Die die new Die 6 6 sided die System out println die throw rolls a 3 actual results are random System out println die throw rolls a 1 System out println die throw rolls a 5 In this problem you are going to use the Die class to implement a class to simulate what happens when throwing a pair of dice many times It will keep track of how many times each possible sum of the two dice occurs For 6 sided dice the smallest such sum called a value below is 2 rolling two ones and the largest is 12 rolling two sixes Here is an example of using the simulator DiceSimulator sim new DiceSimulator 6 sim run 10000 two 6 sided dice what happens over 10000 rolls of each die sim printResults Sample output produced by printResults some lines not shown Results of throwing the dice 10000 times value number of throws 2 280 3 557 4 834 12 275 Note To simplify this problem you may assume each of the three DiceSimulator member functions will be called only once as shown in the example above The class interface is given on the next page with space for your answer To get full credit you must solve the problem efficiently taking advantage of Java features we have learned about 6 Problem 4 cont public class DiceSimulator Note space for instance vars given first constructs a dice simulator using dice with the given number of sides pre numSides 1 public DiceSimulator int numSides run the simulation for the given number of throws pre numThrows 0 public void run int numThrows prints out the results of the simulation shows for each of the values from 2 to 2 numSides how many times we rolled that value see sample output for details public void printResults 7
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