ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Autosomal recessive II Autosomal dominant III Segregation IV X linked inheritance V X linked recessive VI X linked dominant VII Y linked Outline of Current Lecture II Dosage compensation III Conclusions from Mendel IV Allele interactions V Codominance Current Lecture dosage compensation a mechanism that compensates for the difference in number of copies of genes between males and females central conclusions from molecular studies of Mendel s traits 1 Inheritance of alleles precisely parallels the pattern of transmission of morphological variants 2 Morphologic variation results from differences in structure and function of protein products of the alleles 3 Molecular analysis led to identification of DNA sequence differences between alleles and their consequences 4 Functional analysis of the protein products of each allele led to understanding of its function in producing the phenotype a wild type phenotype is produced when an organism has two copies of the wild type allele mutant alleles can be gain of function in which the gene product acquires a newfunction or express increased These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute wild type activity loss of function in which there is a significant decrease or complete loss of functional gene product codominance dominance relationships of ABO alleles IA completely dominant to i IB completely dominant to i IA and IB codominant to each other
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