UH KIN 3305 - Social Theories Applied to Sport (cont.)

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Previous Lecture I Conflict Theory II Critical Theory III Interactionist Theory Outline of Current Lecture I Interactionist Theory II Socialization and Character Development Current Lecture I Interactionist Theory a Symbolic Interaction i Points of Note 1 Symbolic interaction is concerned with understanding how individuals define and give meaning to their social worlds a Social environment or milieu is very important b Sport milieu equally important c Sport and society are analyzed via the views and perceptions of the individual d bottom up rather than top down perspective employed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Limitations 1 Studies focus too much on personal perceptions of situations 2 Limited generalizability a Cannot be readily applied to other settings 3 Does not provide critical visions of ways that sport and society should be organized 4 Does not address issues of power iii General Conclusions 1 All theories have strengths and weaknesses 2 What you are studying will have a major impact on the theory used 3 Some theories are stronger and more widely used than others 4 Theories are not absolute they merely aid in the attempt to understand society iv Basic Research Methods 1 Several major research methods exist a Quantitative i Data collection via surveys ii Statistical procedures used to analyze data iii Population sample used to generalize findings b Qualitative i Varying kinds exist e g ethnography ii Data collected via interviews and observations iii Holistic view of a specific setting not generalizable II Socialization and Character Development a Socialization i The process of learning developing and evolving through social interaction ii Occurs via exchanges between and among individuals iii Socializing Agents include individuals groups and institutions iv Socialization Basis 1 Via social interaction model organized around social theories b Functionalism and Socialization i Perspective socialization viewed as a vehicle for molding and shaping individuals to fit into and contribute to the smooth and orderly operation of society ii Internalization Model of Socialization socially approved rules and roles in society instilled and reinforced in youths often through sport participation iii Research studies 1 Studies have enhanced sport involvement understanding but have yielded inconsistent findings 2 Few studies actually shed light on the ongoing process of sport socialization

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UH KIN 3305 - Social Theories Applied to Sport (cont.)

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