CSU DM 120 - Yarn Manufacturing/Understanding Yarn Number Systems
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DM 120 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture Yarn Manufacturing Difference between filament and spun yarn What properties both fibers have The making of both fibers Outline of Current Lecture Yarn Twisting Yarn number system Yarn counting system and Denier system The difference between single and ply yarns o How to find Single Yarn Equivalent Yarn Manufacturing Part 2 Yarn Twist Twisted in order to hold yarns together Enhances yarn s strength appearance absorption Novelty Yarns help create special affects in yarns Twist direction a Yarns turned clockwise are S yarns b Yarns turned counter clockwise are Z yarns c Most yarns are Z direction Yarn Number system Relationship between a unit and weight of yarn Reflects the diameter or thickness of yarn Denier System a Used for filament fibers b Measured by weight per length c Weight per 9000 meters d Also known as Tax System in Canada and Europe Yarn Count System a Used for spun fibers b Measured in length per unit weight c Silk Cotton measured 860 yrds pds d Wool measured 560 yrds pds e Wool count measured 1600 yrds pds f Linen measured 300 yrds pds g Other spun yarns measured 496 055 meters Single vs Ply Yarns Single Yarns can be twisted down to single FIBERS Play Yarns can be twisted into smaller YARNS Single Yarn Equivalent a For Denier System of single yarns of ply yarn equivalent b For Yarn Count System of single yarns X of ply yarn equivalent

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CSU DM 120 - Yarn Manufacturing/Understanding Yarn Number Systems

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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