TAMU OCNG 251 - ocng review test 1

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OCNG Review 1 Divergent Convergent Transform Plates Rub against each other What is the Width and Density of Continental Crust 35km 2700 kg m3 Made of Granite What is the Width and Density of Oceanic Crust 8km 3000 kg m3 Made of Basalt What is the Order of the Earths Dimensions Continental Crust 35km Oceanic Crust 8km Lithosphere 100km Aesthenosphere 700km Mesosphere 2885km Outer Core 5155km Inner Core 6371km Earthquakes Generate P waves and S waves What is the Evidence of Pangea Panthalllasia Tethys Sea Glacial Deposits Fossils found on multiple continents ex South America South Africa What is Bathymetry Ocean floor topography Mean Radius of the Earth 6371 km Mean depth of the Ocean 4km Basic Measurements 1 meter 3 feet 1 kilometer km 1 000 Meters 1 Statute Mile 1 6 Km 1 Nautical Mile 1 85 km Maximum Depth of Ocean 11km OCNG Review 1 Oceans of water on earth largest three sources of water 97 2 of water from Oceans 2 15 from Ice Sheets 62 from Ground Water Archimedes Principle Isostacy Displacement Displacement of mass by an object Ex Ice floats on water because it s less dense Ice 9kg cm3 water 10kg cm3 What is the result of an ocean continent collision Trenches and Island Ranges etc What is the result of an Ocean Ocean collision Trenches Ridges What is the result of a Continent Continent collision Mountain Range Mean temperature of the earth 15C Deepest Point in the Ocean 11km or 11 022M Tallest Point on Earth Mr Everest 8850 Meters Average Height of Land 840m Why has the rate of Carbon Dioxide in the Air increased in the last 200 years Industrial Revolutions around the world How can we tell the age of rocks in the ground Sediment Core Gathering and Radiometric Age Dating Describe Photosynthesis Light In Carbon Dioxide Water In Creates Sugar and Oxygen Describe Respiration Heat Released Sugar Oxygen Absorbed and Carbon Dioxide Water released Describe Paleomagnetism Magnetic Dip Angle the lines are perpendicular to the surface Sidenote we are due for a polarity reversal it s been 300 000 years since the last one OCNG Review 1 Ways to measure bathymetry Echo Sounding Side Scan Sonar What is Geoid Measuring the sea surface at rest s change and relating it to the sea floor s movement to measure bathymetry of a sea What are Turbidity Currents Currents made up of water dirt sediments etc that essentially carve the land i e Grand Canyon Edge of a Continent Continental Shelf Continental Slope Rise then the Floor etc Underwater Hotspot Features Pillow Lava Hydrothermal Vents i e Black Smokers What is the Key Concept of Marine Sediments They accumulate on the Ocean Floor and contain a record of recent earth history including past environmental conditions What is Lithogenous Sediment derived from mostly rock material from the land terrigenous caused by weathering for the most part List Course Materials to Fine Materials Course High Energy Boulder Cobble Pebble Granule Sand Silt Clay Fine Low Energy What is one of the most abundant minerals in rocks Quartz SiO2 which is the composition of ordinary glass Beach Sand is primarily made up of Quartz What is Biogenous Sediment Derived remains of perished Organisms shells bones Also Phytoplankton Diatoms etc What is Microscopic Biogenous Sediment ooze Algae and Protozoans for the most part it is broken down into Calcium Carbonates CaCO3 and Silica ns SiO2 OCNG Review 1 What produes Siliceous Ooze and Calcerous Ooze Planktonic Creatures for the most part produce both of these Hardened Calcerous ooze is known as Chalk Siliceous Ooze sits on top of Calcerous Ooze Where is the thickness of sediments most prevalent Along the coastlines of the Americas the Gulf of Mexico and the Indian Gulf What is Hydrogenous Sediment derived from dissolved material in water Example Manganese Nodules What is Cosmogenous Sediment derived from extraterrestrial sources ex Meterors Space What types of resources do Ocean Sediments provide Oil Gas Hydrates which make up the Majority What are Isostatic and Eustatic changes Local and Global changes in sea level How different is the sea level today than it was in the past 21 000 Years ago before the Ice Age ended the Sea Level was 120 meters higher Describe a Convection Cell Warm Air rises Cold Air sinks

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TAMU OCNG 251 - ocng review test 1

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