UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Nervous System Development

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Gene expression II Methylation III Gestational Period Outline of Current Lecture II Cell development III Nervous System formation IV Trimesters Current Lecture zygote unspecialized cells totepot can become any cell in the body as cells go through mitosis they differentiate inner cell mass develops cell implant into wall of uterus flascosyst after week enough differentiation early embryum beginning of real differentiation human fertilization ad blastomere formation take about 11 hours critical event that occurs three weeks after fertilization neurulation 3 layers thick black stripe develops down the back of the layered disc eventually see a dip invagination in the developing embryo two hills of dip come together and seal the value this tube is called the neural tube nervous system forms around the regionof the neural tube cells that are going to neurons in brain and spinal cord develop around extents from tail end of developing embryo to the head failure of sealing neural tube deficit has not sealed start sealing in the middle of the back and work its way to head or tail can occur at the head end or at the tail end of the developing embryo if it happen intail end then leads to spina bifidain the lower back gap in lower back born with openings in their back malformations of kidneys and reproduction organs can cause changes in the fluid in the brain and cause damage to brain through pressure changes can call retardation front end anencephaly vary in severity These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute usually pretty severe born with regions of brain missing and holes in their skull high fatal rate usually fatal within first weeks these two occur around 24 weeks in low level of folic acid brain develops around region of neural tube early stage 3 vesicle stage late stage 5 vesicle stage first bulge at 6 weeks cerebral cortex second mid brain and pons tail medulla when muscle develops become electrically activity spinal cord motor system start generate neurons and they send out connections to muscles 12 14 week quickening mom first feels fetus moving 18 20 weeks fetus increases in size by 6 or last few weeks stages of labor 1 14 to 20 hours 2 an hour 3 immediate

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