UNT PSYC 4640 - Introduction
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Psyc 4640 1st Edition Lecture 1 Current Lecture Analysis of behavior You can explain behavior in a functional manner You can explain why the behavior or structure evolved as it did o Ex Pitch of birds singing matches the territory to attract other birds Also explain behavior from evolutionary perspective Reconstructing evolutionary history of structure or behavior o Ex Goosebumps on humans vs goosebumps on furry organisms Also explain ontogenetically describes dvlpt of behavior or structure over a lifetime o Ex Last area of brain to develop is prefrontal cortex controls impulsive behaviors analyzes outcomes Physiological explanation relate behavior to brain o Ex Certain neurons firing make you thirsty Mind brain problem Dualism the mind and brain are separate Monism mind and brain are one and the same o Identity position cognitive processes and brain processes are the same but talked about differently o Ex Happiness vs dopamine Dualism is the most widely held belief for humans free will can override physiological impluses Monism for animals A messed up brain a messed up mind Kelly believes monism is true Consciousness Solopism I alone exist and I am conscious Attention is required to be aware of certain aspects of consciousness What activities determine consciousness Animal research There are federal laws in place for all aspects of animal care and use in research Euthanasia is required after all types of animal research Cost is fairly reasonable primates are expensive Primates are the only exception to the euthanasia law They go to retirement facilities and they can be reused in multiple research projects Everything medical applicable for humans has been tested on animals White rat psychologists White mouse biologists

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UNT PSYC 4640 - Introduction

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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