NUSC 1165 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Homeostasis State in which stable internal body environment is maintained Food availability Dependent on transportation geography available income and food storage preparation equipment Nutrient density Evaluation of the nutrient content of a food in comparison to the calories it provides Hypothesis theory Educated guess made to explain an observation or to answer a question Single blind experiment Experiment in which the participants OR the researchers do not know who is the control and who is in the experiment group Double blind experiment Experiment in which neither the participants nor the researchers know who is the control and who is the experimenters Placebo Fake medicine or supplement that cannot be distinguished from the real thing used to disguise the control and experimental groups Peristalsis Movement of food through digestive system Choking Blockage of bolus Epiglottis Connective tissue flap that covers trachea when food is swallowed Chyme Mixture of partially digested food and stomach secretions Enzymes Protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions Bile Made in liver and stored in gallbladder released into small intestine to aid in fat digestion and absorption Gastric juice Collection of secretions including hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen released by gastric glands into the stomach Pancreatic juice Secretion of pancreas containing bicarbonate to neutralize acid an enzymes for the digestion of carbs fats and proteins Mucus Viscous fluid secreted by glands in the gastrointestinal tract and other parts of the body lubricates moistens and protects cells from harsh environments Gallbladder These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute organ that stores bile metabolism sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in a living organism hormones chemical messengers that are produced in one location and released into the blood and elicit responses in other locations in the body transit time time between ingestion of food and the elimination of the solid waste from that food total parenteral nutrition TPN a technique for nourishing an individual providing all needed nutrients directly into the circulatory system simple diffusion movement of substances form high concentration to low concentration without the use of energy microvilli projections on the mucosal cell membrane of the small intestine that increase surface area for absorption exchange list a food group system that groups food according to energy and macronutrient content used in planning diabetic and weight loss diets empty kcalories calories form solid fats and or added sugars which add calores but few nutrients lactose intolerance inability to digest lactose because of a reduction in the enzyme levels of lactase viscous mucus layer CH 1 Food for Health Classes of nutrients macronutrients provide energy to the body o carbs organic sugars and starches provide 4 kilocalories gram fiber belongs to this group but does not provide energy b c we don t have an enzyme to break down fiber o proteins organic required for growth repair and maintenance of the body supply energy made by amino acids 4 kilocarlores gram o lipids organic concentrated form of energy triglyceride is abundant in the body 9 kilocalories gram unsaturated fatty acids help to prevent diseases saturated fatty acids promote disease o water inorganic provides no kcals makes up 60 of the body micronutrients do not provide energy but necessary for body fxn o vitamins organic found in most fresh foods o minerals inorganic found in most fresh foods Food energy units amount of energy measured Kcalories o 1 kcal 4 18 kJ kilojoules Scientific method unbiased approach to examine interaction of food nutrients and health procedure o Observation o Hypothesis o Experiment o Theory Types o Epidemiological studies The study of diet health and disease patterns Does not determine cause and effect just identifies patterns Case control studies Compares individuals with a particular condition to similar individuals without the codition o Intervention studies clinical trials Actively intervenes in the lives of a population and examines the effect of this intervention Ex changing a diet CH 2 Nutrition Guidelines Dietary reference intakes DRI nutritional recommendations Replaced the Recommended Daily Allowances RDAs o Which were the original dietary standards Have been developed for 6 nutrient groups Designed for planning and assessing diets of healthy people o Meant to promote good health and recommend an average intake that she be consumed most days Nutrient Intake Recommendations o Estimated Average Requirement EAR Evaluates nutrient intake of populations Established by The requirement of a nutrient that supports a specific function in the body for half of the healthy population o Recommended Daily Allowance RDA Recommend specific amounts of nutrients for individuals Established by Uses EAR as a base and includes sufficient daily amounts of nutrient needs of practically al healthy people o Adequate Intakes AI Recommend specific amounts of nutrients for individuals Established by The average daily amount of a nutrient without an established RDA that appears to be sufficient o Tolerable Upper Intake Levels ULs Help with prevention of nutrient toxicities Established by A maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond that there is an increased risk of adverse health effects Energy Intake Recommendations o Estimated Energy Requirements EERs Used to calculate kcals needed to ensure a stable weight in a healthy individual o Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges AMDRs Expressed as ranges or proportions of nutrients for healthy intake Dietary guidelines for Americans Set of diet and lifestyle recommendations designed to promote health and reduce chronic disease risks Key Recommendations o Balancing calories to mange weight Balance with improved eating and physical activity o Foods and nutrients to increase Increase fruits and vegetables Half grain servings are whole grain Increase low fat dairy Vary protein foods Use oils rather than solid fats o Foods to reduce Saturated fat Trans fat Cholesterol Sodium Beverages w sugar o Building health eating patterns DASH eating plan Developed for lowering blood pressure Mediterranean Eating Pattern Lowering heart disease USDA food patterns
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